Chuuves and Lipsoul (Having you here is like a nightmare)

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Chuu POV

As the days went on being at the ski lounge was more fun then I had originally expected but the only thing was... 

Yves was here.

 Every second of every day I spent next to her she would roll her eyes, scoff at my comments and always would annoy me every time I would be in her presence and I was starting to get fed up with all of it at this point . At least I could tell Kim lip was having fun on this trip.

Kimlip POV

With all of the bickering between chuu and Yves it had always left free time for me and jinsoul to be together all the time even if it meant that an argument had to be happening. If it was either quietly behind the door before coming in, sneaking a cuddle in the morning or even just sneaking a quickly peck when nobody was looking, things were still going strong but I knew if I don't step in soon chuu and Yves would murder each other on the spot.


Since it was a day off this meant that students were left to do what ever they wanted around the ski lounge but most of us just stayed in our rooms. It was peaceful as I sat on the couch but I knew that the peace wouldn't last very long.

Chuu POV

I had woken up at 10 in the morning and I headed to the bathroom immediately as I had needed to use it before seeing that it was closed and locked. I had banged on the door expecting an answer until Yves had opened the door with a toothbrush in her mouth raising an eyebrow at me.

"Do you mind hurrying up I need to go pee" I had stated "well I'm brushing my teeth so you will just have to wait then" she replied in a snarky tone "just let me in I'll be quick it's an emergency if you haven't noticed" I continued jogging up and down because of the urge "still, you will just have to wait" she said before slamming the door in my face as I just stood waiting.

As much as probably only 2 minutes passed it was still to many as I continued to knock on the door again but this time with Yves having a towel wrapped around her back and her face and collar bones drenched in water. As much as this was a great sight I really had to go pee and I didn't have the time to check her out.

 "Please Yves I NEED to use the bathroom now" I stated as she rolled her eyes "fine hold on"' she replied getting out of the bathroom as I had entered and finally released myself, washed my hands and left giving Yves a death stare once I had gotten out moving myself to the kitchen. She had stuck her tongue out at me and finally finished what she was doing in the bathroom.

She had walked around the kitchen opening the fridge to take out her yogurt as she had pulled out a spoon as started to eat as I had also went over to the fridge to get some yogurt before seeing Yves take a finger of her yogurt and wipe it on my clean clothes as I gasped at her. 

"What's the bright idea?" I had asked as she shrugged her shoulders. As much as i din't want to fight I had no choice as I had taken my yogurt and put it on the back of her shirt as she looked at me in anger. She had taken another yogurt out the fridge before grabbed them and tried to pull them out of her hands before she got back at me. It was basically like tug-of-war at this point but I was not backing down anytime soon. 

Kimlip POV

I was sitting on the couch watching all of the chaos happen between the kitchen and the bathroom as I just sat and watched.

Yves POV

Chuu and I were fighting for the yogurt cups as her nails were now scratching deep into my hands but I still wasn't backing down.

 I had pulled with all my strength as she pulled harder and harder but I ended up with the yogurt cups in my hands as I had seen Chuu's face go pale as I quickly opened the packs and squeezed it with all my strength towards chuu but the door had started to open as chuu ducked and all the yogurt  went flying towards the front door hitting jinsoul right in the face .

Vivi POV

"I wonder what fun chuu is having right now" I had asked haseul snuggling my face into the crevasse of her neck "well whatever she's doing I hope it's safe" replied haseul as I nodded.

But why do I have a feeling something bad I going on ?

Jinsoul POV

I was heading into the room coming from yeojins place as I opened the door only to feel something wet splash me in the face covering my clothes and face as I just stood in shock. "See chuu look what you just did" I had heard Yves say before I had wiped my eyes to see the 2 girls bickering with each other as I had made yet contact with Kimlip before she had motioned her head to take Yves away as she took chuu away.

I had taken Yves hands while she was still talking with chuu and dragged her into my room crossing my arms and sipping the yogurt off of my clothes. "Just so you know I'm not at fault for this" said Yves referring to my clothes as I still gave her a stare "sorry" she stated as I had sat down next to her. 

"Yves, why can't you and chuu just get along, or at least be in the same room and not try to kill each other for once?" I had asked as Yves paused "it's not my fault she's a nightmare to be around" she replied as I looked down. 

"Please Yves can you just be good for this one trip? After that you can do whatever you want ok?" I had asked her as she crossed her arms and avoided my eyes before I and pulled her chin to look my onto the yes before she rolled hers "fine but just this trip and nothing more" she stated as I smiled."Perfect now lets go apologize" I said as Yves scoffed "yeah right like I would ever" stated Yves before I had taken her wrist and pulled her out of the room to meet chuu and Kimlip also there.

Kimlip POV

I had lifted up chuu and moved her into my room as she crossed her arms and avoided my eyes,"that was not my fault" she stated as I rolled my eyes.

 "Chuu why can't you and Yves just get along, you guys would be perfect togehte-" I was cut off by chuu as she covered my mouth "don't finish that sentence" she stated staring into my eyes. "Well fine but can you guys at least get along on this trip, for me?" I had asked pouting "fine but just this trip" she said as we stood up. "Also why not try complements" I suggested as chuu rolled her eyes and nodded "perfect now it's time to apologize" I stated taking her wrist before she had a reaction as we were met in the room by Yves and jinsoul.

"So do you guys have something to say to each other?" asked jinsoul as me and her looked at Yves and chuu. Yves had looked away as her face was bright red as chuu's face was also the same color. "If you guys don't apologize in the next 6 seconds we'll lock you both in a room together until you do" I had stated as they doth snapped out of it and apologized even if it was halfheartedly. "Great now hug" said jinsoul as they both looked at her "ok now you're pushing it" said Yves as chuu laughed making Yves face a nice shade of pink as she slyly smiled at her "ok you guys are free to go" I said as they left the scene leaving me and jinsoul.

"Those two are gonna make me have gray hairs from stress at this point" I stated as jinsoul laughed "let's just hope they keep their promises to be nice to each other because if not were in for trouble" said jinsoul as we both flopped on the couch sighing in relief as this was all over.

"Wait I still have yogurt on me!" jinsoul stated

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