Yeorry and Hyewon (The date pt2)

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Choerry's POV

I had finally arrived at the Café with Olivia after a good 2 minute drive as I was just on time for when I had planned to meet yeojin. "Alright have a nice time on your date and if you excuse me I will be drowning myself in Mint hot chocolate" said Olivia as she had gotten out of the car heading into the café without me. I had smiled at how silly she was before seeing another car pull up right beside me to reveal yeojin and gowon.

She looked adorable. She was wearing overalls with a white shirt underneath and red converse as all my focus was on her, so much that when I heard the car beep I had jumped back because of how much it startled me. "Oh hey gowon Olivia's inside if your asking" I waved to the both of them as we started to walk inside "oh Olivia's here I just came for their mint hot chocolate but thanks" said gowon as she quickly headed inside leaving me and yeojin to walk by ourselves inside. "You look really pretty" I blurted out to yeojin as I had seen her face turn a nice shade of pink as we had walked inside seeing Olivia and gowon talking inside with hot chocolate "you too" replied yeojin as we had gotten into line as her comment had made me flustered.

Gowons pov

Me and Olivia had met up inside the cafe as we had decided to drink our hot chocolate together at a separate table staring at yeojin and choerry on their date. "Their so cute together aren't they?" I had asked Olivia sipping on my hot chocolate "I know and they would seem really happy together" replied Olivia sipping her hot chocolate too. "But you do realize if choerry breaks yeojins heart I will hunt you both down" I said making Olivia giggle "trust me choerry can't even hurt a fly but I'll make sure to tell her" replied Olivia taking the last sip of her hot chocolate "jeez again this is already my 4th cup and I'm out of change" said Olivia pouting with her cup in her hands. "Here take mine babe" I said giving Olivia my hot chocolate as she looked at me with a puzzled look "since when did you start calling me babe?" she said taking a sip of my drink "I just thought it would be cute since we're together now " I said as I had held her hand across the table making deeper eye contact with her "ok but just no 'cute-sy' pet names" she sharply stated as I laughed "ok ,ok no cute pet names got it" I replied.

Yeojins pov

I was sitting with choerry at our own table as we were basically in our own world at this point. Nothing around us could break our conversation as we were just with each other.

The conversation about our feelings had never come up at all today and as much as I wanted to keep it this way my feelings were forcing them self out of me as I couldn't take it anymore. I was going to burst. Choerry had gone to get some more hot chocolate for the both of us as now I thought about my plan in my head as she and then finally came back.

"Yeah so like I was saying that's why she never cleans her room" said choerry as she had finished up our conversation from earlier as now was my chance to finally confesses. "Choerry may I ask you a question?" I had asked patting with my feet "sure you can tell me anything yeojin" said choerry with the brightest smile the made my heart skip a beat.

'ok yeojin you got this just relax like gowon said' I had thought to myself before taking a deep breath "if I said that I liked you and I mean like you like you, would you still want to hang out even if you didn't like me back?" I had said recycling choerrys words as she then smiled even brighter. "I mean I don't know maybe if you were to be my girlfriend I would" said choerry taking a sip of her hot chocolate as we both laughed from our bad acting "well if that's my only choice then, choerry would you like to be my girlfriend ?" I had asked holding her hand across the table as I could feel her warmth wrap around my hand. "Of course" said choerry as a new feeling had come to me. Happiness? or even love? Either way I had finally gotten choerry to be my girlfriend and that was way more than a feeling but a dream come true.

Olivia hye's pov

I had finished Gowons cup of hot chocolate as we then both looked back to see yoejins and choerry talking and holding hands with each other as both me and gowon giggled. "Looks like this first date was a success" said gowon still looking at the two "you know this is kinda like our first date too" gowon had pointed out as I chocked on what seemed like the air at this point " I guess your right , to be honest this is the first time you aren't with your friends or what do you call them again?" I had asked. "The three brick walls" said gowon "yeah them" I replied "well I mean as much as they follow me around everyone needs a break now and again so today was their day" said gowon shrugging her shoulders.

"Well I'm glad their not here because I bet they wouldn't want to see that" I said pointing towards yeojin and choerrys table where they had seemed to be eating each others faces making me gag from the sight. "Eww I think it may be time to go" said gowon as we walked over to the couple's table to scare them.

"Ok guys it's getting late I think we should go" said gowon as yeojin and choerry pulled off of each other as both their faces were red "umm actually it's ok Olivia take the car me and yeojin are going to the movies" said choerry as she handed me the keys taking me by surprise "no it's ok I'll drive olivia I don't even think she has her licence yet" implied gowon as me and her left yeojin and choerry to then head home.

Later~Gowons pov

I had fianlly reached Olivia's house after at least 3 minutes as I had looked at her driveway to see no cars "where are your parents?" I had questioned her "oh me and choerry live with our siblings but they must still be at school" replied Olivia as we then got out the car . "Well since this is our first date I think it would be rude to leave without walking you to your doorstep" I said to Olivia as we had walked all the way to her doorstep before standing in silence.

"You know why I'm also glad the brick 3 walls aren't here" said Olivia using her key to open her house door "why?" I had asked her . "Because if they saw what we're about to do they'd kill me" said Olivia before pulling me by the waist connecting our lips in an instant as then pulled away holding my wrist to pull me inside as she then locked her front door.

AUTHORS NOTE : This chapter was supposed to have a totally different ending but ill leave things up to your imagination.

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