Chuuves (So we're back to this again)

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Chuu POV

It's was now December and past the Thanksgiving holiday as everyone the following Tuesday had come back to school a week before December started. The past weeks ever since the indecent between me and Yves have been back to normal with all the teasing, remarks and mocking all day long, as it was happening so much I was basically used to it at this point.

And ever since the whole pyramid accident and the big game every cool kid, cheerleader and jock have been pretty silent around school. I mean yeah I hope that cheerleader that fell is ok but with all the focus on her that meant less teasing towards me.

Lunch time~ Yves POV

As hyunjin had returned from the hospital after the Thanksgiving break everyone's attention was on her at all times. We were sitting at our usual spot as I had seemed more border than usual, which was not something that would usually happen.

 "Yves you good ?" Asked jinsoul sitting right beside me ,"yeah just bored" I replied fiddling with my grapes "whats on your mind right now?" Asked mark on the other side of me eating my grapes. "I bet it's that cute one right?" Said Yeojin who is believe was referring to chuu as I then looked over to chuus table to see her sitting with haseul, vivi and some brunette girl. "No I was not. Losers aren't worth my time yeojin" I stated making yeojin giggle 'does this twerp ever shut up?' I though to myself "ok Yves then if your not throw a grape at her cute face"said Yeojin laughing at me as now the whole tables attention was on me even hyunjin. "Oh well I would like to see this one" said hyunjin as I was frozen in my spot "why would I do that?" I said to the table "what you afraid you'll get her cute face ruined" said mark fake pouting at me before jinsoul leaned in "hey if it helps I'll do it to her friend" whispered jinsoul as that did make things a little better "whatever but if I get in trouble it's on you guys. Jeez this is so stupid" I scolded  "ok so on the count of three"jinsoul said as we picked up our grapes and got ready for take off.

Chuu POV

"You guys really need to tell me more about school events  because I'm lost" I said replying to vivi who just decided to tell me now the school has an annual ski trip this month before Christmas. "You know what I'll make you a list" said haseul as I ate my strawberries "so when does this happen" I asked "a week before the winter break"replied haseul ."Ok, so do I get to pick my bunk mates or?" I had asked again "well no but last year me and haseul were lucky enough to get our own bunk together an-" I had cut them off "ok that's enough I don't need to hear anymore of your love stories, that's gross" I stated making Kim lip laugh. Just as I was about to ask more questions I had seen certain things fly over my head before seeing where they were coming from.

 The popular kids table. 

I could obviously tell who were throwing them but since she had really bad aim it was which was a surprise coming from yves. Mostly because none of them were hitting me or kimlip. "What the hell" said Kim lip ducking her head from the flying food "should we do something?" Asked haseul before I had seen vivi take a full apple in her hands shcoking me a little. "On the count of three we run ,ok?" stated vivi before I had seen her trow it as all four of use left the cafeteria as fast as we could before hearing the words "food fight".

We had made it out the cafeteria and made it outside to where we finished the rest of our lunch laughing and having a good time. "Well done vivi" Kim lip chanted out before the thoughts had crossed my mind. 'What's Yves problem and what does she want now?' but then again Yves has always been like this.

Yves pov

Me and jinsoul were throwing our grapes but with no luck "you guys suck at this" gowon laughed as we were trying our best but those two kept ducking. "Here let me try" said eunbi but before she could finish we had seen an apple soar through the air and hit Felix's masked potato's and splatter all over our table covering all our clothes . "Food fight!" Was chanted by choi San as the cafeteria went into uproar as food was flying from left and right but chuu was nowhere in sight. Food was slashing everywhere and all I could do was sit and watch in complete awe. As much as i wanted to be mad about my now mashed potato covered clothes I had to realize this was my fault. 

Kim lip POV

I was sitting out outside still with chuu, vivi and haseul before I thought that now would be a good time to contact jinsoul about this whole weird as hell situation.

Kim lip: jinsoul what the hell was that grapes 🍇

Jinsoul💛: sorry I was just trying to protect Yves but I'll make it up to you later 😉

Kim lip: ok but just don't ever send that emoji again

Jinsoul💛: fine😉

I had shut off my phone a sighed thinking about what just happened as I then flopped onto the grass with chuu coming to lay down right beside me. "Hey lippie I hope were roommates for the ski trip" said chuu as I smiled "yeah me too'" I replied holding her hand through the grass staring up at the beautiful sky above us.


Hi i'm back hope you guys are all ok and doing well with the whole pandemic. I also hope you guys are staying home and washing your hands regularly.

Also i just wanted to wish a happy birthday to Lisa, Mina, Sakura, and Irene. 


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