Chuulip (How do you know her)

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Haseul POV

We had finally reached Vivi's apartment before chuu had collapsed on her couch. vivi and sat next to her trying to comfort her the best she could while I stood there puzzled from what had happened today. Yves  of all people back and why now I thought the 7th grade would be the last of her.

"Before I die of anger can you please tell me who this pig turd Yves is and how you know each other" said chuu in an angered tone. "Hey language" said vivi "sorry but please tell me" said chuu with the biggest puppy eyes. "Alright but this may take a while" I said as chuu got comparable.

The 7th grade no POV ~flash back~

It was lunch time for Mrs.Chung ha and her students as the students sat next to their friends to chat . Vivi and haseul were sitting next to each other along with gowon while haseul couldn't stop staring at vivi. She had kept her feeling a secret for the year but what she didn't know was that someone was watching her the whole time. Yves and her friends joy and Felix were sitting making fun of how whipped haseul was before Yves had made her big announcement to the whole class.

"Hey haseul if you like vivi so much at least make less obvious Im surprised your eyes haven't lazered through her head already" she shouted making the whole class laugh. "Shut up were only friends leave her alone" shouted vivi in response while haseuls face was bright red ."Aww looked her girlfriend just friend zoned her ouch that must hurt " said Yves.

Haseul had then gotten out of her chair as the whole class watcher her walk over to Yves and slap her across the face shocking every one ," hey girls time to stop I'm calling the office" said miss Chung ha but before she could get out her seat Yves had punched haseul in the face braking her nose in the process. "That's it girls time to go to the office now!".

Flashback over haseul pov

"After that indecent Yves had moved away after the class had exposed her bullying,my nose had healed after 4 weeks and in the 8th grade I started dating vivi but now she's back uhh whyyy" I finally finished my flash back."Yikes that's pretty bad but now she sits behind me in science class so I'm stuck with her" said chuu as she slumped onto Vivi's lap. Just before I could reply a knock was heard at the door.

I had opened the door and was faced with a girl who looked familiar. "Umm hi does chuu live he-" "Kim lip come in!" Screamed chuu behind me as I opened the door and greeted the girl. "Umm wanna introduce us there chuu this is my place after all" interrupted vivi ,"oh yeah this is Kim lip my new friend" claimed chuu as she went to hug the girl. "Hey weren't you in my 9th grade science class" said vivi as I also recognized her ,"oh yeah and  weren't you the same girl who used to fall asleep during assembly's and snore really loud?" I stated "yeah that's also me" she said as she help her head down in embarrassment .

"Well if your a friend of chuu your welcome around here anytime" said vivi while heading for her job ," I'll see you later so feel free to anything " she said as she finally left ."So where were you did you get your gym stuff" said chuu looking at her friend "huh......oh yeah I got it " she said nervously which I knew wasn't the truth but I watched anyway."Alright you two have fun I'll be in Vivi's room" I said as I headed to Vivi's room .

Great now I'm going to have to see Yves for the entire year she made my life hell as a kid how am I going to deal with her now in high school as a young adult? 

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