Loona (The big game pt1,'Whos on your mind?')

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It's was finally 6:00 and the game had finally started to begin. The starting line up for both teams were stronger than anyone could ever imagine. As the quarterback lined up they game had started off with a bang. Both teams seeming hungrier than ever to win and bring honor to both of their schools it makes you wonder what else was happening at this big game?

Heejins pov

The game had started and things were set off. Even though my brother plays for my rival team I couldn't just not cheer for him that would just be cruel. But I knew that once hyunjin made it onto the field for her cheer that I would be the loudest one in the audience well minus the other cheerleaders girlfriend's and boyfriends.

I had sat with choerry and Olivia once I had gotten here but they had seemed to wanted to go elsewhere. "Hey guys I'm gonna have to leave sorry" said Olivia as she left going down to where I believe was the food stands as choerry looked like she wanted to go too. 

"Choerry it's ok you don't have to stay with boring old me you know?" I said as choerry looked relived " no it's just I want to go see someone but right now may not be the best time so for now I'm with you and yeah you are kinda boring" said choerry giggling as I slapped her shoulder. "Hey at least I'm here so enjoy my company remember now as h-" I couldn't finish before choerry interrupted  " hyunjin's girlfriend I must be with her a lot yeah, yeah you have told me this like a thousand times already I get it you're whipped" she finished with a smile as I stuck my tongue out at her. "Hey when you get a girlfriend then we can talk miss Choi" I replied as her face then went red "wait a minute your face is red either your thinking of something perverted or you do have a girlfriend" I pointed out poking choerry's cheek with my finger. "What no it's neither of those things for your information , well at least for now" replied choerry making me even more intrigued "so you are a pervert" I said trying to push her buttons for her to spill "what no the girlfriend thing" she said and immediately covered her mouth with her hands making me laugh. "Who are they huh? Yuna? Ryujin?wonyoung?oh maybe even a guy?" I questioned her "well there is this girl right, and i want to make her my girlfriend so I asked her out tomorrow but im nervous" she confessed as I tried to still guess who it was "ok ,ok... Is it wonyoung?" I asked as choerry rolled her eyes and continued to watch the game as I was laughing on the inside.

Now time to wait for hyunjin.

Gowons pov

The game had started and as I had predicted mina and Wendy were right by my sides like always. Yeojin I could tell was looking for choerry as I then wondered if Olivia was by the bleachers yet. 'what if she's waiting for me?' I thought to myself as I tried to think of a excuse to leave. "Umm guys I'll be right back I need to use the restrooms" I lied as I tried to leave before Wendy held onto my wrist "oh then let me come with you" she said as I mentally panicked inside "oh no that's ok its an emergency I'd rather be alone" I said stripping her hand from my wrist quickly "oh well then hurry up bambam will be playing soon" said mina as that was then my que to hurry up.

I had rushed down from the stands all the way to the back of the bleachers where I told Olivia to be and looked around for her before seeing her leaning against a pole ironically the same one from Halloween. I had reached her before seeing a smile grow on her face showing off her cute smile that I had grown to love before stepping in front of her. 

"Um he-" I was cut of from my words before Olivia pressed her lips against mine quickly as I kissed her right back as my entire body felt like jelly from her warm touch. Olivia had pulled back first leaving me a flustered mess as I caught my breath. "hey" she replied with an even wider smile on her face "hey" I replied as we just stood there "listen I'm really sorry for basically everything I didn't mean to c-" I was caught off from my words again before Olivia pressed her lips against mine again really catching my off guard. "Your gonna have to stop doing that you know" I said as she pulled back again " sorry can't help it" she said innocently "but seriously I'm sorry for everything maybe we can still be friends?" I asked hopping for a good answer. 


 she replied in a cold tone as my heart felt like it broke in 2 at that very moment "ok if that's what you want then I'll be on my way" I said my voice almost cracking from my heart brake as I proceeded to turn around before being spun around again and feeling her lips against mine one more time, this time we both melted into it and our lips moved in sync with each others. "No silly I want to be more than friends" said Olivia as I pulled back confused from her answer "best friends?" I questioned her "no you pabo girlfriend's you know relationship stuff" she said as I tried to comprehend what she was saying before coming out a realization and blushing from her words. "Oh... Umm" I was hesitant to answer her "listen remember what you said on Halloween huh? Gowon I want to be with you" she said holding my hands as her face grew really red almost cherry. "I want to be with you too Olivia I always have" I said "well then park gowon will you be my girlfriend?" She asked as I had probably never felt as happy before "yes, yes I would" I said we then slowly went in for a kiss before I had heard the voice of Wendy in the background as I then put my hand on Olivia's lips stopping her. "What's the problem"asked Olivia as I then shushed her again then pulled her to hide behind a sign so I could see Wendy. "Oh shoot Wendy" I said as I hid with Olivia "oh is that your friend?" Asked Olivia "yeah sorry I gotta go but here call me." I said before pecking Olivia on the cheek and handing her a card with my number on it before sneaking from behind the sign all the way to where Wendy was. 

"There you are Gowon , did you get lost?" Asked Wendy as I started to sweat "umm yeah I actually came here for a hot dog too" I lied before taking up a hot dog from the hot dog stand "see" I continued as I ate the hot dog as I started to gag on the inside because I hate hot dogs. "Oh ok we'll you missed bambam and mark but the cheerleaders are up next so we gotta hurry up" said Wendy holding my wrist and leading my towards the stands before I had looked back to see Olivia staring at me smiling as I secretly blew her a kiss as she caught it as she then was out of sight.

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