Chuuves (You should have known better)

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Yves POV

I had walked into the auditorium with jinsoul and Felix as I and seen the sticky notes all over the school. 'I guess Felix was right' I thought to myself as I then sat down next to jinsoul as our principle then arrived. As the assembly started I was able to see jinsoul staring at a brunette next to chuu as I snapped her out of it before looking up at the screen and seeing it.

Chuu pov

OMG. I was in shock as the principal showed the footage of last night as all I could see was me and Lisa standing by the door just like yesterday.

How could I be so careless. Even though our faces were blury if you were to know how I look you would spot me out easily. Luckily I'm new so being invisible might help my case here but when Kim lip had looked at me from beside her chair with a confused look I knew I'm done for. "Chuu what the hell is this" said Kim lip as I slumped into my chair as vivi and haseuls eyes left on the screen and were glued to me wide open. "I'll explain later" I whispered as I then reached the bottom of  my seat defeated by my stupidity.

Yves pov

My jaw dropped along with jinsouls as we had seen chuu on the screen. Great that little freak just had to let black pink squad into our school. How stupid could she be.

Once the assembly had finished me and jinsoul had decided to walk towards where chuu was. Once we had reached I had seen chuu try and retreat from the gym before I had caught up to her and pinned her against the gym walls as she flinched from my touch. " Hey Yves" I had heard someone say before I had looked around only to be pushed down onto the ground as jinsoul helped me up to see it was no one other than vivi and haseul.

 "Chuu run" I heard haseul say as chuu and her brunette friend left the gym as I tried to go after chuu but haseul had pushed me back again. "Hey listen mind your own business " I warned haseul "don't make me punch you again " I continued on "leave her alone Yves she's new here she couldn't have known better" said haseul as this caused the some of my other friends to look over at us and come behind me and jinsoul. 

"What's all the fuss about mate" said Felix as the rest of my friends stayed behind me , I had looked haseul dead in the eye as I was going to say something before our principal had started to come towards us.

 "What's seems to be the problem here " he said as he straightened his tie , as I didnt want to get caught I had seen haseul and vivi slowly creep out the gym door as it was just me and my friends left. "Oh nothing sir just talking about the news" I lied as I put on a fake smile "oh well if you guys know anything about this little indecent just tell me ok I know you guys are all trustworthy students here" he said as he then left back too his office as I then sighed in relief. "So emergency meeting at nayeons guys" said bambam as we all then nodded and left the Auditorium.

Chuu pov

I had started to quickly walk down the hallway with Kim lip before I had felt like things are now safe . "Ok chuu now speak up" said Kim lip as I was trying to catch my breath."ok so it starred off like this......"

Later end of the day~

I had told Kim lip,vivi and haseul everything that happened last night and they understood but they told me that I have to keep a low profile for now until the big game or I'm doomed.

I had tried to avoid Yves all day because when she had pinned me against the wall unlike the first time I had actually felt her anger in the push Witch scared me a little as I would always hide behind the lockers and trash cans trying to avoid her. Once school was over I had walked with haseul and vivi home only to flop on the couch and hide my face in a pillow.

"What am I gonna do " I said into the pillow "huh?" Questioned haseul "I said what am I gonna do now " I repeated but this time with the pillow off my face. "Yves looked like she wanted to kill me today and she probably told others too," I said before slamming my face back into the pillow "its ok chuu she's all bark and no bite just try and stay away from her and you'll be fine" said vivi patting the pillow on my face. "Yeah and if she does ever touch you just call me because I will gladly punch that stupid face of hers" said haseul before heading into Vivis room "yeah it will be ok just stay calm " said vivi sitting next to me on the couch "ok" I replied as she then got up and also walked into her room.

Great now how will I get through school next week ?

Yves pov later that night

"Ok so this means war" said mark as he then took out the blue prints of bangtan high "I told you guys they may come early " said chaewon as we were all dumbfounded. "It's ok because we can come just as early" said mina as she pulled out a red marker "ok so now that Felix has the fake vomit we can now move our prank to this Monday so that they won't expect it" said mina as she circled places on the blueprints and put names in each circle . "These are all the places we need to plant the fake vomit and you guys are all in groups of 4 ok" said mark as he pointed to each circle. "Now that they have done their share its time for ours" said bambam as he then rolled up the blueprints "I'll text you guys the info Saturday" said mark as we all nodded "ok then it's set I officially call this emergency meeting over now get out of my apartment" said nayeon as we all laughed and got up.

Once we had headed out the door I had gotten into jinsouls car and as she was driving to drop me off my mind had then went back to the thought that this was all chuu's fault .

 "Hey I wouldn't rat on chuu if I were you" said jinsoul making me confused "why the rat deserves it she's at fault for this whole mess " I replied "yeah but she's new I wouldn't want to see her go through such a hard time" said jinsoul as I scoffed at her. "So what are you defending her now?" I questioned "no,no it's just....... never mind" said jinsoul as we pulled up into my driveway "whatever man ill think about it how about that?" I said as I hopped out of the car and up my driveway before waving bye to jinsoul.

Maybe I should be a little nice but after all that girl has done she does deserves this. or does she?

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