Yeorry and Hyewon (The truth revealed pt1)

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Choerry POV

It was back to school on Monday and ever since I had talked with Felix on Friday we hadn't been talking anymore which kinda sucked judging that I thought we could be still be good friends just like before. But I guess this was for the better now that I get to spend more time with yeojin and now that I've been sitting with heejins friends Iv'e made good friends with them too.

Lunch time~

It was finally lunch time and now that I've met heejins new friends haseul, vivi kim lip and chuu they have almost become my new friends too as now all 7 of us sit together at lunch.

"So did chuu tell you about what happened this Saturday?" Asked Kim lip as chuu quickly slapped her arm as she mentally died making everybody laugh. "No what happened?" Asked heejin as Kim lip then whispered something in her ear making heejin smile as I was getting anxious "tell meee!" I whined as heejin then told Olivia right next to her making me impatient as olivia couldn't stop laughing. 

"Why won't you guys tell me?" I asked the girl as Olivia shook her head "your too young for that information" she replied as I wasn't convinced "last time I checked I came out the womb first" I remarked as Olivia rolled her eyes "who cares when you came out of moms puss-" Olivia was cut off by vivi "hey!, don't finish that sentence " she warned as I could just see the fear in Olivia face by the way vivi was staring "s-sorry" she stuttered as I laughed before Olivia then leaned into my ear finally telling me as I was shocked.

 "Wow chuu I never knew you were that type of girl" I said as chuu fling-ed her strawberries at me as she pouted "please just leave me alone. I already feel dirty as it is" she whined while she hid her face in her peach sweater. "Ok but just one question" said Olivia as chuu peaked out of her sweater "go ahead" she sighed out as Olivia smirked "was she any good?" She asked as Chuu's face went red " well I mean yea-" chuu was going to finish before we were startled by the loud sound of a tray falling as I turned around to see gowon and yeojin standing and arguing with sombody at their table. But with who?

Yeojin POV ~a couple of minutes earlier

It was finally lunch time as I made my way to my table with Gowon filled with all the other jocks cheerleaders and cool kids. As I made my way to sit down I had noticed bangChan looking a little bit more worried than usual as he continued to look around the cafeteria frantically as everyone noticed.

 "You good bro" asked mark as bangChan took a deep breath "I haven't heard from Felix since last week and I haven't seen him at all today. I'm worried that girl  he liked rejected him. You know how sensitive Felix can be I'm just worried" he finished as the table was silent before we saw the cafeteria door open to reveal felix as everyone took a deep sigh as he made his way to the table. Once he had arrived he took a seat down as his face looked awe full almost like he had gotten no sleep in years as his eyes were red, his face was flushed and his hair was messy. 

"Don't you know how worried I was, never do that over a girl again you hear me!?" Bang Chan shouted at the boy as his face was emotionless "sorry" he shortly replied. "Who is this girl anyways, she can't be that special" asked Wendy as Felix then took his hands and pointed to choerry across from our table. The only girls I had recognized at the table were choerry, Olivia heejin and chuu as Wendy scoffed at the Australian.

 "You really liked the sister of the freak, i bet she's just a freak part two" Wendy stated making my blood start to boil inside "well she's taken" Felix mumbled out as bang Chan patted his back " don't be down buddy whoever would like a freak like her must have low standards to be with her" said Wendy as my temper was starting to grow. What does Wendy know? She's single.

 "Yeah shes not even that pretty but then again ugly does run in the you guys remember Son. Hyojung " mina said as the table laughed "yeah Felix she doesn't deserve you. She looked like a slu-" I couldn't let bambam finish as I stood up finally losing it on these guys. 

"Can you guys just shut up!" I screamed at the table as all the attention was on me as I just exploded "what are you defending those freaks?" Asked Wendy as I was this close to jumping across the table to fight the girl and rip out her blone hair to shreds "guys just stop ok leave them alone we shouldn't be calling them freaks anyways" Gowon said standing by me as mina and Wendy both stood up "what are you defending the freaks too, I though you were better than that park Gowon" mina said as Gowon looked down as I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Those freaks are our girlfriend's!!" I shouted out as Gowon quickly looked up at me in shock of what I just said but I wasn't holding back anymore. "Gowon is this true?" Asked mina and Wendy as the whole table looked at her as she started to Panic. "Gowon is this true?" Asked bambam as Gowon still didn't answer as she hen looked back meeting the whole schools eyes as I then saw Olivia and choerry looking at the both off us as Gowon and Olivia made eye contact before she had turned around taking a deep breath as I knees what was comming up next.

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