Chapter 3//Hoe Away Please

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Jimin abruptly swung the door open that he swore he heard a crack. His panic stopped when he found his poor old man slumping on his rocking chair. He rushed towards his dad, finding him with bandages on his right leg.

"Dad, are you okay? What happened?"

Mr Park opened his mouth but closed it again. His eyes trailed to Jimin's back, where that someone was standing. Jimin noticed his dad's saddened gaze and clenched his jaw before turning to the figure behind him.


He bluntly breath out and stares daggers at it. A light pitched chuckled left those red lips and cheekbones lifted when she smiled.

"Is that how you address your mother, Min?"

Jimin fumed over her disgusting address of herself as his mother. After all she had done, she's nothing but a whore in his eyes.

"Past tense, Ms Law. You don't belong here, get out"

He struggled to hold back his anger, locking them in shackles before they burst out and burn the woman in front of him.

"Of course I don't belong here in My home is in Gangnam, dear and that's where you belong too."

Jimin instantly turned away and attended to his injured dad that he figured it might be that woman startling the old man while he was working, causing the fall. He didn't want to hear her repeated persuasion on moving to Gangnam with her and leave his father in this condition.

"Why would I follow you when you're the one who left us, hoe"

The woman gasped with a hand on her chest and a dramatic expression. It was Jimin's kindest insult, if he wanted to cuss at the woman he can but he wouldn't. He knew deep inside his dad, she still holds a special place but in Jimin, she's nothing anymore.

"Language, son-"


Rage took over Jimin and his right mind was lost. He lifted up a wooden chair and swung it across the room and it smashed right beside the woman. Her trembling legs brought her to the floor seeing her son almost killed her. Her security guards rushed in and held Jimin in a headlock where he struggled with cuss words flying everywhere.

"Please don't hurt my son...."

Mr Park slowly got off his chair and crashed down beside his son, trying to pull Jimin out of the guards' grip. Jimin was shouting his dad to stay away so he wouldn't get hurt again but the old man stayed beside him, still yanking on the guards' arms.

"Let him go"

The woman coldly commanded and the guards backed away. Once he felt the grip loosened, Jimin rushed to carry his dad back onto his rocking chair and checked for any other injury. He knew very the frail man always get injured easily and never told anyone, not even his favorite customers.

"I will be back, Jimin. And I will marry you off to the Lees, weather or not you like it. You're my first born and they want the contract as soon as possible"

The woman stood up with the help of her dogs and dusted her Valentino dress before leaving the store with a flip of her hair.

"I'm so sorry, son...."

Mr Park breathed out and closed his eyes before a glimpse of tear rolled down his cheeks. Jimin quickly averted his gaze, not wanting to feel the sorrow too. He sniffled a little before letting out a sad chuckle.

"Sorry for what? Its not your fault that she's a scumbag."

Mr Park smiled at his son's goofiness. He always tried to lighten up the mood with his exquisite use of words. Even though his son had built a hard cold exterior, Mr Park knew he still care and love him no matter how many girls he brought home. He also knew why he did all the mindless screwing with girls, he knew Jimin was dominating them so they don't dominate him like how his wife did. The boy was just full of grief and anger that he released in a wrong way. That's why Mr Park never talk to him about it because he knew Jimin won't stop his behavior, unless he found the one and only.

"Sorry, for dragging you into this. You don't have to stay here, you know? I'm perfectly fine! You can live in her luxurious mansion instead of this officetel. You can take a beautiful and rich girl's hand in marriage!"

Mr Park tried his best not to pour out in tears as he thought os Jimin leaving but Gangnam have everything they don't.

"Says the man who fell when his ex-wife visits him."

Jimin scoffed and Mr Park laughed in approval.

"And I don't need Gangnam's wealth, dad. Those disgusting snobs can live on their gold mine while I don't mind living here. And who needs one beautiful and rich girl when you can have 10 in one night"

Jimin wiggled his brows and nudged his dad's arm as they break into a bray. The laughter calmed down and they sat in comfortable silence before Jimin broke it with his deep serious tone.

"I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving this town, my friends and absolutely not leaving you. Not matter how many times she comes back, I will just buy more stools to throw at her until she screw off forever"

Mr Park hummed with a warm smile at his son's vow and patted his blonde locks.

"But son....we got a problem here..."

The old man awkwardly laughed and glanced down to his bandaged leg. Jimin caught onto the hint and grinned.

"No worries, dad. I'll do the deliveries"

Jimin patted his dad's arm and walked away into the kitchen where he prepared the catering for delivery. Mr Park sat in silence while he watched his son work. His vision became blurry and soon tears flow out.

"I have a great son"



Anywayyy I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I LOVE YOUUU 💕💕💕💕

Anywayyy I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I LOVE YOUUU 💕💕💕💕

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