Chapter 64// Twins

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Muscles flexed and back arched, her arms reached for its maximum stretch as it weaponized all it's strength to recoil at its target that was laying and trembling silently. Anger and fury swelled up her eyes and all she saw was red and wanting for of that crimson color especially from the victim.

A monster. A psychopath. A nightmare. Something that shouldn't be awaken. Something they should've stayed away. She didn't want to uncage the hell in her that killed those torturers back then but she felt the need to. The need to get rid of these victims before they turn into devils and turn against her. She who suffered shall not suffocate again. Which was why she will suffocate them first.

Her grip on the bat tightened even more and breath held before her shoulders swung downwards and arms recoiled at the target's head but before the stone-like wooden stick could reach it's victim, it fell to the ground along with the one who tackled the user.


The familiar name of her second son rung in her ears as she squinted her eyes opened only to find herself laying on the floor with a tinging pain at the side of her head. The blooded bat rolled further away from her but her eyes trailed to the unwelcome presence of her second son.

The boy fumbled onto his feet after ramming his mother down to the ground like a WWE fighter. The sweet yet painful calling from his angel got him straight up and onto his feet before rushing to her. His arms secured tightly around her like a pirate and his treasure while kissing and whispering words of comfort but all vanished when he was yanked away by strong arms of the men around the office.


His once sweet and soothing voice turned deep and harsh as he yelled at the men and struggled helplessly in their grips. They had to pin the boy down on the ground and put their weights on him because of his split successful attempts of escaping.

The tied hostage squirmed and get close to her savior but she couldn't do much than moving only millimeters with her limited control of her limbs.

"You're such an annoying brat, my son. Even when I left that trash of a place, you were crying and shouting for me to stay like a fucking crow, Park Jimin. Can you shut the fuck for once in your life?!"

The woman got up onto her feet with burning glares at her supposedly annoying son. She couldn't forget the day she left her precious little boy but she also couldn't forget why. But now that she rethink it, it still worth her tears. All the money and power she got was worth the leave and damn she did not regret an ounce of it.

As she walked to pick up the bat, her eyes noticed Harley's fixed posture. Knees glued to her chest and body curled into a ball. After all the beatings, the girl still protected her stomach. A wide grin stretched across the woman's face when a thought lit up her dark mind.

"Fine....if I can't kill her then...let's kill something else"

The woman took of her heels and begun strolling to Harley's trembling body. With one strong kick to Harley's shoulder, the woman successfully uncurled the girl's body. She pinned Harley's torso to the wall behind the girl with her leg and lightly tapped the bat on her stomach.

"Don't you fucking dare- don't- NOOO!"

Her son's scream went silent to her ears when she swung the bat on Harley's stomach but it didn't satisfy her mad need so she swung it again and again. Some swings landed right at her stomach while others landed elsewhere because the woman was so deep into her agonizing torture that she didn't care where she was hitting.

And all Jimin could do, was watch. Watch as Harley helplessly received the beatings. Watch as Harley let out bloodcurdling screams and cries, begging the mad woman to stop. His own screams soon faded to whimpers and river of tears. Tears he shedded for her and himself. For not being able to take her suffer and for not being able to shelter her. Even if it means to break his bones, he will do it but he couldn't.

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