Chapter 18// Paint for You

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The day of the competition. The day the entire Historian Club of SNU fights for the golden trophy. The entire club except for a all black attired Jimin.

The boy stood behind the club where it's practically a blind spot for Harley as she briefed the members again.

"Remember, teamwork is everything okay?"

The members roared in agreement and fully supported their beloved president. They all huddled and stacked their hands on top of each other, ready to do their usual cheer.

As they gathered, Jimin stayed behind and waited for the huddle to end so Harley wouldn't notice him. That is, until a member spotted him with the historian club tag around his neck and called him.

"Hey, come in!"

Jimin nervously bit his lips behind his black mask when all the members turned to him after being called out. Shit... He cussed when the club president turned as well. She smiled and gestured her hand for him to join them.

By the smiling look on her, he figured she hasn't recognized him so he joined.

"On the count of 3, we shout History!"

"1....2....3 HISTORY!"

They cheered with their fists in the air before proceeding to the side of the hall where they're assigned.

As the members walked to their seats, Jimin who was walking behind the club noticed Harley's busy gaze as she profusely looked around the hall as if she was trying to find someone.

Maybe she's searching for Hoseok.

He sat behind everyone where he could be possible excluded from the competition and also to avoid her.

"Who are you looking for, Harley?"

"Oh I'm looking for my friend"


"No no, it's Jimin"

The mentioned boy's head shot up at her voice. She's looking for me?....He didn't know if he should be over the moon or worried. But either way, he felt the butterflies in his tummy when she continued searching for him in the crowd.

"Jimin? Oh that handsome freshmen"

The girl beside Harley nudged her friend and giggled causing Harley to arched a brow in confusion.

"He's hot! Maybe he did the principle a favor to enter the university"

"Omg I'm sooo jealous of the principle~"

The girls giggled and whined disgustingly. Jimin slumped in his seat and slightly pulled his hood down further when he heard them. His pride was thrown out as their words stung him.

"Excuse me? My friend is very talented in art and he maybe more gifted than the graduates so please show some respect"

Harley snapped at them and they apologized immediately. Jimin bit his lips and melt at his girl defending him. Stop making me falling deeper in love with you! Goddamn it!

The boy cheekily squirmed in his seat with flushed cheeks but quickly composed himself when the boys in front of him eyed him weirdly. Sorry, totally lost my manly shit there....

Eventually the competition begun after the announcer briefed all the contestants. Apparently the prize is more than just a trophy. There will be a recognition for each member of the winning group and it's very crucial for them to achieve it because it's a huge boost for historian students like them.

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