Chapter 54// Forever With You

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"My apologies, Ms Brown-"


"Just give us-"


Sounds of shattering glasses echoed throughout the spacious office, filling everyone outside in the hallway trembled as they kept their heads while their boss went apeshit upon hearing the some ol' news of the abandonment of her son and husband.

Her rampage went on for days ever since she woke up to an empty mansion and no answer to her calls for Hoseok and Mr Jung. Ever since that night, Serene have been going haywire and it hasn't been getting better. The woman was so out of her mind that her destructiveness have messed everyone and everything up.

Pieces of glasses scattered everywhere, papers laying in patches all around the office, cigarettes and empty bottles in every corners. It was disastrous like the owner herself. Serene stayed in the office for days and kept hiring agents and spies to search for her son and husband but none of them succeeded. It frustrates her even more that she couldn't hire polices or FIB because that will expose her vulnerability of not having Mr Jung and predators from bigger companies will not hesitate to take over her throne.

In her desperate search of her missing family, Serene felt no remorse nor agitation for the safety of them. No sadness that they're gone. No worries that they might not be alive. No love at all. She was deeply concerned for the throne she is sitting on and how their disappearance would surely drag her down and she was furious about it.

The office was empty again after the agent was insulted and chased away by the raging woman. Serene fell onto the ground with a thud and her fingers gripping onto her locks. Sheer panic and wrath washed over her as she begun to make up scenarios of her losing everything she built with blood and sweat over the years.

No no no....I have to find them....


Serene screamed and groaned loudly before jolting up from the floor and begun pacing around, trying to come up with something to cover her current vulnerability up.

Then it snapped

"Contact Mr Soo and arrange me a meeting with him"

She lowly said as her shaky hands fished out a new pack of cigarettes from the drawer. Her fingers dragged out a cancerous stick and put it between her red lips.

The secretary who have been trembling at the corner as she watched her boss causing havoc around the office, slowly approached Serene with wobbly feet.

"M-Mr Soo? The one who offered a marriage of his daughter?"

"Who else would it be...."

Serene glared at her secretary feeling annoyed by the girl's stupidity. The girl gulped and lowered her head to escaped the woman's piercing gaze.

"B-But who's going to marry her? Hoseok is-"

"Hoseok is dead and I don't fucking care about neither of those garbage. I have Park Jimin and he's marrying that girl."

"But Ms Brown-"

"Get it done before I sack your brainless ass"

Serene seethed through her teeth as she poured her anger out on the poor girl. The secretary gulped again with layer of tears covering her eyes before scurrying away to get her job done.

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