Chapter 29// ClassHub

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I swear Park Jimin.....

Her dear boyfriend left her side after his palm landed on he butt cheeks and the slap echoed the now silent class. Her figure stood frozen at the entrance where pairs of wide eyes stared at her like she just committed a crime....for being Park Jimin, the troll's, girlfriend.

"What a splendid entrance....Ms Robinson"

Her history professor's voice sounded and cut through the thick tension of awkwardness that was built but her ass being slapped in front of the class.

Harley stretched her quivering lips awkwardly as she cringed at her very existence. She clenched the strap of her bag and stiffly walked to the back of the room where she don't usually sit but because she wanted to dig a hole and shove her head in it... no...shove that sexy boyfriend of hers in it.

Eyes followed her robotic figure as she strolled to the back of room, curious as to why the ace student chose to sit at the back in her favorite lecture....and also her ass being slapped by Park Jimin who they almost missed when he bolted away.

The professor coughed to gather their scattered attention and resume his lecture on Greek temples. Harley listened intently as she settled down on her new seat with her books and stationery neatly displaying in front of her.
It wasn't long before a figure slipped to the back of the class and sat before her and by the sound of his heavy plopping, she immediately knew it was her gay best friend.

Feeling his intense stare from beside, she knew he was ready to bombard her with questions especially after what happened at the door....with that goddamn ass slap. He scooted closer til their shoulder touched but she stayed unbothered and continued dropping down the notes she missed from having too much with her boyfriend on their way to university.

"Yes Hobi?"

She asked without turning around.

"You're dating Park Jimin?"

He didn't stutter at all as if he was kinda expecting it however the deep and stone cold voice he used indicated the hint of dislike he had towards the new relationship.

She softly smiled recalling their fresh yet passionate relationship before turning to her best friend and nodded. But her smile was short-lived when her eyes caught the small frown on his lips.

"You....will support me, right?"

Worry and anxiety colored her tone, afraid that her dear best friend whom she love so much wouldn't approve of their relationship. Upon sensing his best friend slight panic, Hoseok flashed her a comforting smile trying to hide his frown that was supposed to indicate towards Harley's boyfriend.

Hoseok's hand slowly traveled to her cheeks and caressed it to reassure his worrisome friend before shaking his head.

"No, I do support you guys. However if he hurts you, I won't hesitate to hunt down his penis"

His once comforting touch turned into a warning pinch that made her cheek grew redder. She annoyingly slapped his hand away and rubbed her cheek with a frown.

"He said he won't hurt me"

She shrugged proudly as she trusted him. Her confident reply brought a crooked brow to the boy as he questioned her gullibility.

"And how are you so sure?"

Harley opened her mouth ready to blurt out their extraordinary which included him reassuring her that he won't hurt her when he-
She unconsciously bit her lower lips as she recalled the way he calmed her with those soothing words and sure enough he didn't hurt, instead he made her felt good. In fact, he fucking raptured her.

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