Chapter 61// 5 Weeks

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The quiet white hallway that had faint beeping sound and chattering from the uniformed nurses over at the counter. The counter that Harley had just registered herself for a check-up. A check-up her boyfriend have been bugging her to do ever since her fiasco that seemed to have turned into her daily routine. Eating and craving, vomiting, late night shuffling in bed and now a cruel addition of her mood swing. Not to mention her slim flat tummy have became a little protruding.

Unfortunately, the district the couple were living in didn't provide a very convenient store that sells pregnancy test and stepping into the big city where Serene's minions were on constant look-outs wasn't the best decision. Which was why Harley applied for SNU's student hospital which was private and benefit the couple with privacy and prevent the minions from barging in without an authorized permit from the University, like the couple had.

Even with all the danger out of the way, Harley couldn't help but be nervous of her own health and her uncomfortable state was instantly noticed by Jimin who, unflatteringly, had black panda eyes and droopy eyelids with his head dangling like a dead man. The boy had to deal with all her strange symptoms and most of all he had to cope with her raging madness especially when his laundry was everywhere.

Nevertheless, Jimin still love her and even grew more in love with her. He scooted closer to her and rest his head on her shoulder before nuzzled deep into the crook of her neck while pulling her close by her waist.

"Don't worry babygirl you're going to be alright..."

Harley merely nodded while her thoughts went to dozens of scenarios. Is she sick? Does she have some kind of disease? Or is she preg- omg....
The girl blinked at her last thought of scenario. How can she not realize the possibility? Maybe she was too engrossed into her summer school where she drilled to earn more credits instead of enjoying her summer break and Jimin was no exceptional.

What if she really was? Is she ready for such big leap? She's still in university and Jimin just started his undergraduate. Even if they're ready, how are vin they going to manage? With that woman on continuous hunt, none of them would be safe especially not the little precious soul in Harley.

Being too deep in her thoughts and Jimin falling into a short power nap on her shoulder, the couple weren't aware off the calling from the nurse. The uniformed lady strolled over to the couple to get their attention since her previous name reading wasn't enough to reach them.

"Miss Harley? Doctor Kim would like to see you now."

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry..."

Harley sighed and caressed Jimin's cheeks to wake him up but the boy just snuggled deeper into her neck as he dwelled into the softness of her palm. She was left no choice but to pat his cheeks and accidentally turned into a slap since the girl was growing anxious to see the doctor.

Her light slap caused Jimin to flinched and jolted from his seat with wide panda eyes. Without much talking, Harley walked away with fiddling fingers and a tornado up in her mind. Worry flooded the girl's head as her heart thumped.

Her knuckles hit the wooden door before the nurse reopened it and the couple entered the neat and clean office. There sat a handsome young doctor, maybe in his late 20's but his youthful and healthy features said else wise.

"Come take a seat. What seems to be the problem here?"

The doctor's eyes remained on the tired and messy looking Jimin instead of Harley who sat in front of him. He must've mistaken Jimin to be the expected patient since the boy looked like he just went to WW II and got hit by a torpedo and ran over by a tank. The girl awkwardly coughed to get the doctor's attention and he breathed out a chuckle as he mumbled an apology for his carelessness.

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