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Jaune was standing there wating for his orders. He lost his voice when he was shot in the throat and can barely talk. He can only growl and hiss, sometimes he can make out words.
Ironwood: I need you to capture Roman Torchwick. He is a wanted criminal after all
Sigma: it shall be done general
At beacon
Ozpin: that is why I've called them here
NPR and RWBY and the rest of STQR and winter walks in
Tai: we will catch him!
At the warehouse
Roman: come on neo we have to go!!
Neo: signs, I'm coming!
But suddenly they are surrounded
Ruby: haha we got him!
Roman fires his cane at ruby
Summer: I got you honey
She blocks it with her scythe
Ruby: thanks mom
Ozpin: now Roman Hans over your weapon
But before he can a sound is heard
Meta: growl,hisss
Roman: OH No!! Protect me huntresses!!!!
But before Roman can run to them a shiner appears and pick him up by the throat. The meta decloakes 
Meta: growl
Sigma: plans change winter, you just have to be creative
Weiss: winter who is this? And why is it hissing? Is this a weird new atlas bot?
Meta: hiss
Winter: this is the meta, he's an atlas soilder-
Delta: that's not true, scouring to all of the generals  orders we are special forces. Replacing you miss schene in most places.
Winter: what you!!!!!
Winter had to  be held back by qrow and Weiss along with tai and summer.
Qrow: calm down ice queen. Jesus.  
Roman: NEO NOW
Neo tries to stab meta but he catches her knife
Beta: what a failure
He drops neo and Roman as they are both knocks out.
Sigma: it seems our work here is done
???: not quite
Ironwood walks forward
Ironwood: meta I have a new mission for you. You must attend beacon academy an-
Before he can finish meta is already trying to escape
Ironwood: don't make me take that helmet off young man!!! 
Meta: growl hiss hiss growl growl
Ironwood: and one detour complete your initiation you will be a one man team.
Ozpin: I have to allow that
Ironwood: when you see him fight you'll see.
Epsilon: so that means where going home,

Where going to beacon

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