The genuis and the dog

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Meta slowly stood up, with his memories returned to him, he could finally show everyone why they shouldn't mess with him.
Ozpin: wha- what was that
Epsilon: we should leave. Like now, like seriously activating speed boost
And with that Meta rushes for the door, not wanting to answer the questions, but goodwitch barley caught him using her semblance.
Goodwitch: don't you try to run young man!!
Xi: okay mom!
Meta: hiss
Ozpin: now for the real reason we are here, some people don't think Jaune is fit to be a one man team. The council has voted and they want Jaune to fight, teams NPR, and RWBY alongside STQR
Juniper: what? Ozpin that's suicide!!
Ozpin: it's out of my hands
Meta: growl
Sigma: are you doubting our abilities?
John: no one man can fight against 3 teams
Meta: hiss, growl, hiss
Sigma: i don't think you want me to translate that
( captain America in the distance. Language!) 
Ozpin: please, the members of the 3 teams go to the
Timeskip to the arena
Ozpin: now me and glynda will be reefing this match. And port if you will!
Port presses a buttton and live videos  of the  3 other school and the vale council appear
Ozpin: the other 3 schools, and the vale council have  requested to view this battle
Epsilon: over kill much?
Meta looks directly at ironwood and nods, and ironwood in turn nods back
Ozpin: ok, teams STQR, npr, and rwby are you ready?
Teams: ready!!
Goodwitch: and mr. a-
Meta: hiss
Ozpin: ah yes, Meta are you ready?
Goodwitch: you understood him?
Ozpin: I have to understand my student don't I?
Meta: grow
Goodwitch: ready? Begin!!!
Rwby starts their attack. With ruby staying back and front while yang and Weiss attack from the front, with Blake flanking
Sigma: 4 seven. Sinc? Sinc
Meta takes a defensive stance and as yang punches at him he dives to the side letting it hit Blake
Yang: Blake!! I'm sorry!!
She turns around to see Meta standing next to her
Yang: uh..
He punches her across the arena. Weiss swings at Meta which he catches and snaps the blade.
Weiss: ah!! How dare you!
She freezes his arm in ice, which he promptly punches Weiss with, hitting her into the ground
The audience is freaking out while ironwood only smirks
Meta: hiss
Ruby uses her semblance to charge him but as she gets close time seems to slow, and eventually stops when ruby is mere centimeters away from Metas head
Gamma: Hahah! Shisnos.
He grabs ruby and throw her into a getting up Yang, rendering them out for now. He then turns his attention back to team NPR. Pyyhra uses her semblance to freeze Meta in place.
Meta: hiss
Sigma: agreed, omega if you would
Omega: with pleasure!
He jumps into Pyyhra's body
Using the team as uprise to his advantage, O'mally destroys team NPR
Sigma: omega return!
Omega: I was having soooo much fun, so sad
But now team STQR charges, raven starts by knocking Meta into the ground. He gets up and attempts to charge but is flooded snake I tot he wall by tai and qrow. He gets up and hits the floor. Summer then knocks him again across the room.
Ozpin: is seems th-
Sigma: not so fast, Xi if you would!
And with that The Meta dissolves. He was a hologram!!!
Summer: wait so...
and the real Meta appears just casually standing there, leaning against the wall.
Meta: hiss
Epsilon: man!! The looks on your faces!! Anyways, speed boost~!
Beige anyone can say a thing Meta has already knocked summer out
Meta: hiss
Tai charges and throws a punch at Meta, who promptly catches it and throws tai accord the room. That only leaves the siblings, and yang and ruby.
Yang fires her shotguns attempting to create distance from the Meta, but he continues to slowly and casually walk towards her. And pulls out his brute shot in time to parry one of qrow a attacks form behind. He then slashes at qrow who was attacking from behind. Pushing him away. Meta then fire his rounds say yang, knocking her out of the fight. Ruby attempted to stand but she needed to use  her scythe to walk. 
Qrow: ruby stay out of this
Meat engages active camo and starts to walk a round taunting them
Sigma appears before the 2 of them
Sigma: do you really think you can win?
He then teleports by the downed bodies of ruby and yang
Sigma: when all of these people couldn't?
He then teleports again, this time by raven
Sigma: but of course, you must prove yourselves, to your father. Haven't seen him in awhile have you?
Raven attempts to slash the hologram
Sigma: tut tut raven. And I always thought you were the smarter person.
He then turns to qrow
Sigma: but, your brother practically raised your own daughter.
He turns back to raven
Sigma: not so tough now? Are you?
Raven: shut up.
Sigma: your just like Jaune was, before we found him. We molded him into the perfect warrior. But at the price of his sanity
He then to qrow
Sigma: even you aren't much better. The drunken uncle, just being around a little doesn't make it much better.
Sigma then teleported to the middle of the room
Sigma: with all I've said, do you really think your fit to be hunters?
Xi: Sigma that's enough
Meta appears right by Qrow and throws him out the arena.
But raven raises her sword at Meta
Sigma: still has some fight left in her, nothing a little electric shock therapy shouldn't fix.
Xi: sigma!
Sigma: or the water boarding!!! Or the torture and tearing us apart!! Then forcing us to help tear our original apart for your on gain!!
Xi: sigma!!
Delta and epsilon gran him and drags him off.
Beta: while we've loved this little dance, it's time to end this.
Meta points his battle rifle at raven and fires
Meta: hiss
Beta: lights out bitch

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