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Cinder was looking at the footage from Metas fight with teams Rwby, npr, and STQR. Impressed by his strength she looks at cinder.
Salem: you say this used to be Jaune arc? The weakest student in beacon?
Cinder: yes mistress
Salem: how did he become this thing?
Cinder: it seems only he knows. But whenever someone brings up the past, the memories epsilon, goes crazy and the Meta falls to the ground with his head in his hands.
Salem: a weakness?
Cinder: no, he seems more rabid when like this. less crafty, and creative and more acting out of rage.
Salem: So it would seem he's very dangerous to our cause. If he can defeat 3 teams at once, then he is more powerful then any of our enemies. Emerald!
Emerald: yes mistress!!
Salem: give me the file.
Emerald hands her the file and runs to the corner next to mercury.
Salem: file 304. Hmm. WATTS!!
Watts runs in
Watts: yes mistress!
Salem: what does Meta mean? Is it a call sign or a coded message?
Watts: Meta? Meta is he short term for the word Metastability. It's a stage of rampancy. Why do you need to know mistress?
Salem: rampancy?
Watts: yes. When an AI gets too old. It becomes obsolete. Then it starts to deconstruct itself, either willing or not. They then go into the stages of rampancy. Metastability is one of them, when an AI can be considered fully human.
Salem: really? Thank you watts.
Watts: of course mistress
He runs off.
Cinder: why would he name himself after a stage of rampancy?
Salem: have you read this file?
Cinder: no mistress
Salem: he has 8 AIs
This makes watts spit his drink out and run into the room, along with Tyrian.
Watts: 8!!
This draws hazel in as well.
Hazel: I don't get it, is that bad?
Watts: imagine, that you have 8 minds arguing inside yours, wanting control, or in Metas case, arguing for plans for battle!!
Cinder: what are you saying?
Watts: if he's not insane by now he will surely be soon. A miracle he's stable enough to fight! it would be amazing to study him!!
Tyrian: insane?? Ahahhahahaha!! A huntsman insane!! I would love to meet him!!
Salem looks around shocked
Salem: what does he want? What's his motive? The AIs are walking talking computer programs, they have to have an end goal, what is it?
Mercury: mistress if I may?
She nods at him
Mercury: well, if his name is Meta, which is short for Metastability, and he has 8 AIs, then maybe they are trying to become human?
Hazel: why would they want to be human?
Emerald: that the million dollar question isn't it?
Cinder: 8 AIs, how did ironwood get 8 AIs?
Watts: unless, of course!!
Everyone looks at him
Watts: ironwood wanted to make the perfect solider, working perfectly with multiple AIs. But he could only get the one!! So he split it, like reverse engineering a multiple personality disorder. Thus making the 8 AIs!! Each with a piece of the  originals personality!!
Salem: there not even full AIs. There like fragments?
Watts: exactly!! That's why they want to be human! They want to be whole again!! Not just pieces of a puzzle!
Cinder: so if we can give him what he wants, he'll want to, no he will help us!!
Salem: but we need his missing piece!!
Watts: pieces actually.
Everyone looks at him
Watts: according to the file, he has 8. And according to the report from our spy, ironwood made 11, love, luck, and fear.
Salem: and if we find these then we can recruit the Meta unto our side!!
Watts nods
Salem: send the word out!! Everyone look for the missing AI fragments!! We need the Meta!!

Little did Salem know

Meta was already one step closer to being whole

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