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We once again are brought to a library in the middle of time and space. Where a man in dark black robes with piercing gold eyes in closing a book, and its title was

"Everyone has a Breaking point"

Oblivion looks at you once again and smiles, or what is assumed to be a smile, as his face is covered by his cloak.

Oblivion: welcome back, I see you are a curious bunch. But I will only say what I said last time.

He gets closer to the camera

Oblivion: Darkness will fail in his little "dark wars". The mistress as powerful as she may seem, well villains always lose. No matter how powerful they lose. But I'm not a villain, no I'm the hero.

He grabs a gold orb and throws it out the window

Oblivion: I've watched for millions of years as villains came and went, they will forever be a part of the multiverse. And I've decided that the only way to rid the multiverse of evil is to purge the multiverse, to start anew. Some will remain, some will ally themselves with me and be spared. But most will be gone forever, destroyed by my hand.

He chuckles

Oblivion: do you believe that your precious authors can save you? The ones that have Been saving you with there champions in dark wars? What were there names? Ah yes, Tojamaru TokyoRomhay KLigers98 Striker777

Oblivion moves and puts his book back on the shelf

Oblivion: even with all there champions they while lose, and they will lose horribly. Epsilon won't even send his champion to stop me, he may even join me! Oh this will be fun .

He gets right up next to the camera

Oblivion: I am the end, I am oblivion

Everyone has a breaking point Where stories live. Discover now