The beggining of the end

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Salem: YOU WHAT!
Meta looked on as Salem screamed at cinder. She had just found out that cinder lost the relic, and now opzin knows something. Something that could be dangerous.
Salem: you ha done job! And you failed at that! Leave me, I must prepare our army. We march on to atlas.
Cinder: mistress!
Salem: silence! Leave!
Meta and cinder walk out of the thrown room. Cinder looks at meta.
Cinder: you better watch you back. It was your job to get the relic to.
Meta: hiss
Sigma: but we succeeded in some way, killing 2 huntsman.
Cinder glares at meta, as they go to there respective rooms.
Meta kneels down in the middle of the room, as the light seems to be sucked away, and the shadows take form into a man with horns.
Meta: master.
(Metas voice is really scratchy)
Rise my pupil.
Meta rises
I have news. You remember Kyle, the man who came to visit you?
Meta nods, remembering the only person nice to him.
He has access to your semblance, so I have a new vecell to conquer with. I can finally escape my prison and reek havoc on the multiverse.
Meta: what would you have me do?
Nothing yet. Conquer atlas, conquer this remnant. Then when Salem and her forces are weak, kill them. But after, I want you to bring me Kyle. He could be of use to us.
Meta: it will be done my lord
The god of darkness disappears in a black hole, as the light seems to return to the room.
Sigma: we should have killed him when we had the chance
There was a knock of the door.
Salem: meta, it's time.

At atlas
The Atlas army we're stationed on the wall, weapons pointed at the forest. And the hunters were on the ground, prepared for combat. There was nothing but ambient silence, nothing but the breathing of soldiers. Until loud footsteps were heard from the forest. They seemed to get louder and louder, until it seemed they were all around them. The soldiers aimed there weapons around, where was it coming from?
Tai: that's it!
He runs into the forest.
Opzin: tai!
But it was too late. Tai made it to the edge of the forest, and just as he made it Meta jumped down onto him. Killing him instantly. At first the hunters are frozen in shock, but they get over it.
Yang: DAD!
Meta looks at them, and then back at tais body. He bends down and punches his first through tais chest, taking some blood and guts out he walked over to a tree that was in sightline of the group. And they watched in horror as he smeared tais blood onto the tree into the shape of his symbol.
Summer: tai, no....
She falls back and is caught by a crying qrow.
Sigma: ah yes, compassion, a weakness we intended to exploit.
Ruby: you killed him...
everyone looked towards ruby, she had a broken look in her silver eyes. That was quickly replaced by anger.
She ran at meta with her semblance, but he simply sidestepped her swing and grabbed her by the throat.
Epsilon: gotta try harder then that little red!
And that was the que. Salem's forces poured out of the forest. Meta then ruby back to her group.
He walked forward loading his bruteshot. His helmet. Glowing in a sort of dark light.
This was it

The beginning of the end

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