The fate of the light god

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This chapter is a flash back to before this story started

The god of darkness was looking down into remnant, well more looking at someone in remnant. Jaune arc was walking around beacon academy, making friends and having a good time. But not for long. Darkness began to send some spells into his friends and family. It would alter there mood and how they act and think. And slowly they would begin to distrust the boy, and they would betray him. Now all he needed was some bait, a council women! He sent an extra spell at her, she would accuse Jaune of attempting to end her life, and he would go to prison. Now all darkness needed to do was to replace the judge with one of his minions, to give him the option to go to atlas and become a genie pig. Then the rest would fall into place, and he would have a new and stronger minion. But before he could finish continue his brother broke the door down, rushing in to stop him.

Light: brother! You can't do this! You'll destroy remnant!
Darkness: oh dear brother, that's the idea.
Light: what!? Why?
Darkness: you think I care about your creations! How funny, no I care only about my rule. Which will now continue!

Light looks down with tears in his eyes, then looks back up with steeled determination in them.

Light: then I will stop you!
Darkness: and you will fail little brother

They both fire beams of dark and light energy at each-other. Meeting in the middle of the room. Darkness jumps out of the way as his beam fails. He teleports next to light and slashes at him with his sword of darkness but it blocked by lights sword of light. They meet in an intense sword clash.

Light: brother can't you see what your doing?
Darkness: oh I can see! I can see very clearly!

He shoves light off him, then stabs at Light. Who paries  and counters , sending darkness into a pillar. He teleports next to light and kicks him to the ground. Like jumps back up and slashes at darkness, there blades meet once again in a clash of dark and light. But darkness decides  to play dirty, and take out a second sword. Slashing down at his brother, makes a deep gash in lights chest. Who falls back clutching it.
Darkness: you lose!
Light: I didn't want to have to do this brother. But you leave me no choice!

He charges up a  ball of light, and fires it at his brother.

Light: with my remaining powers I BANISH YOU TO THE DARK LANDS!

A black hole opens, taking darkness away.

Darkness: NOOOOOOOO!!

He disappears. And a blue portal opens. A boy about age 19 comes out. He had all blue hair with blue sunglasses on. He's wearing blue shorts with blue sneakers. And a blue unzipped wind breaker. He had a sniper rifle strapped to his back with 2 SMGs and a pistol on his hips, as well as a knife. This is Epsilon6666, the author.

(Yup, it's me. If you don't like it I don't care, it's my story!)

Epsilon: sup lightbulb, I got here as soon as I co- ah shit!

He slides down next to the dying god of light.

Epsilon: you look like shit. darkness finally did it huh?

Light: he did. Listen, I want you to make sure he doesn't win. Do whatever, we both know what will happen if he does.

Epsilon: I can't do much. Only alter certain things. 

Light: but you can make someone suffer. You can make someone life a living hell. I've seen what you've done.

Epsilon: what are you saying?

Light: make jaunes life a living hell. Make it whatever. Darkness will think he's won. And at the last moment, I want you to make him lose.

Epsilon: I'll try.

Light; thank you, my friend.

The god of light begins to lose his glow, as Epsilon holds him. He dies in Epsilon's arms. Who gets up and goes into another blue portal.

Epsilon; so long lightbulb.

Epsilon; so long

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