Assault on Alpha

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physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

Meta grabbed Salem and smashes her on the ground.
Sigma: where...
Sigma: is....
Sigma: he...
Meta throws Salem into her throne. Her followers get up and draw their weapons, meta does the same.
Salem: wait!
They all turn to her, as she gets up from her throne and wipes some black blood from her lip.
Tyrian: but mistress! He attacked you!
Salem: it doesn't matter. He's too important to kill.
Cinder: but mistress!
Salem: my word is final.
Salem walks up to watts.
Salem: Show him
Watts pulls up a map, showing another atlas facility.
Watts: this is ironwoods personal facility. He's tripled security since your last raid, with the security consisting of, 10 pallidens, about 400-500 atlas forces, and ozpin and his group of huntsman. They believe if they can keep you from this alpha, they can win this war.
Salem: but, we are going to assault the base with everything we have, all our grimm, all our white fang, everything.
Gamma: and what would you want for this? We know you won't do it for free.
Salem smiled
Salem: I knew you were smart. I wish you to serve me for the rest of the war.
Delta: if onto to get alpha, we except.
Salem: good, now we simply need to mark your with a mark of service.
She puts her hand over Metas hand, and a burning feeling goes through His body. He takes off his gauntlet to reveal a burning brand, a Grimm face, the mark of Salem.
Salem: now, march forward, it's time to get this alpha.

At the compound

Ironwood: and your sure the base is secure?
Ozpin: pleas James we've been over this a hundred times. He can't get in with anything short of an army.
Ironwood: I know but still, if Meta got the alpha he would be unstoppable, none of us could stop him.
Ozpin: Don't worry, he won't.
Just as he said that, a soldier ran in.
Ironwood: prepare all force! Opzin get everyone, we need to defend this base!

Outside the base

Salem rode in on her giant Grimm, with cinder, watts, Tyrian and hazel beside her. Adam was leading his white fang brothers, and Roman, neo, emerald, and mercury were leading he criminals. Ozpin, goodwitch ironwood and qrow all walked forward.
Salem: ah, ozpin, come to surrender already?
Ozpin: no Salem. We've come to ask that you surrender.
Salem: and why would we do that?
Ironwood: my ships are coming as we speak, Sven you can't withstand all three of them.
Salem just continues to smile.
Salem: we intend to be gone by the time your ships get here.
Goodwitch: you believe you can steamroll us like that?
Salem: maybe not us.....
an explosion is heard from inside the compound.
Salem: but a certain former soldier would.
The group runs back at Salem's army charges
In the compound

Meta watched at 4 palidens went up in flames. If ironwood thought these pathetic machines could hold him back, he truly was a fool. Plugging into the mainframe, eta and Iota quickly hacked into the security system and located where they were keeping the alpha. They couldn't hide.
Meta activate his speed boost, pushing it to the limit. Runni into the vault, he saw his former friends running at him , trying desperately to stop him. And as he picked up the ai chip....
Sigma: take it
Omega: make us whole
Phase: get revenge
Eta: they hurt you
Iota: like they hurt us
Gamma: get revenge
Delta: make us whole
Epsilon: take it...
Pyyhra: please Jaune! If your In there listen to me! Please this is maddens! Come back with us!
Meta looked down at the chip, then back at his friends. And in a scratchy voice, he Meta spoke.......
Meta: Jaune.... can't....... hear you anymore

And he put the chip in

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