Fanily isnt forever

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Meta walked out of his masters portal into his home town. Or what was left of it. After the kingdoms all fell under his masters control, he let the Grimm destroy all they wanted. The only people who resisted were a small band of huntsman, called the Rebels. Meta walked up to his old home, and was surprised to see his family sitting at the diner table. Well not all his family, there was Saphron and her son. There was Zoe, the second oldest. And there was Jane, the one right above him. Of course his mother and father were there as well.
Sigma: search newspapers, look for reports of deaths. Then narrow down to hunters.
Delta: last week, 5 members of the arc family were killed in an grimm invasion of the town. It seems this is all that's left of the arc family. They died protecting the town.
Void: this is much easier now, semblances?
Delta: John arc, semblance: can see his opponents attacks before they do them. Juniper arc, semblance: control over nature. Zoe arc, semblance: enhanced speed. Finally Saphron arc, semblance: telekinesis .
Meta loads his brute shot, and aims into the dining room. Just before he fires however. John arcs eyes widen
They are able to get to the floor before the explosives are launched into the house. The family rushes out, ready for combat. Meta loads his bruteshot once again.
Sigma: take the father out first, he is the most dangerous.
Meta: hiss
John: son?
Epsilon: not anymore bitch!
Meta launches himself at John, who barley sidesteps him. John swings his word down to meet Metas blade, and jumps out of the way of Metas fist. Juniper grabs meta with vines, and as he tries to cut them he is picked up and thrown back by Saphron. John Ryan up and swings down at Meta, who jumps out of the way and throw his bruteshot at John. Who sidesteps it, and kicks Meta to the ground.
John: it's over, you were never a match for me.
Gamma; void...
void: already on it..
a large amount green toxin comes off Meta, as John coughs closes his eyes. When he opens them he sees where Meta should be, a younger Jaune.
Younge Jaune: why did you leave me! They Put me in prison and you let them!
John: son please! I'm sorry! I'll do anything to have you back, I made a mistake! Please I'm sorry.
Younge Jaune: really?
John: yes!
Void: because we're not....
a blade goes right through johns chest, he looks to see Meta with his brute shot.
( who gets the reference? If you don't I'm disappointed in you, not really)
John falls to the ground grabbing his new stab wound.
Saphron: dad!
She throws A tree at Meta, but he just jumps over it. Vines begin to grow around Meta, and he looks at juniper to see her eyes glowing a dark green.
Juniper: you, will, PAY!
Giant gowns come out and attempt to strangle Meta. Who puts his hand in the air.
Phase: you like talking? Talk to this!
A loud sound wave is sent out of Metas suit. Juniper falls to the ground holding her head. Meta walks next to her, aiming his pistol.
Juniper: you'll never win....
he shoots her in the head.
Zoe: MOM!
She paints around Meta, who stands still.
Zoe: what? Can't keep up!
Epsilon: I'm gonna make you eat your fucking words!
Metas body begins to give off electricity, as he begins to run after Zoe. She looks back horrified to see Meta getting closer and closer to her.
Zoe: how! You don't have a semblance!
Xi: technology!
Meta grabs her and body slams her into the ground. Saphron attempts to pull him off her, but finds herself unable to move.
Meta takes out a knife, and points it at the trembling Zoe. Fear toxin comes off Meta, as he transforms once again. This time into a clown, with gruesome scars. Zoe has always been afraid of clowns, and Void  had the perfect idea.
Clown: you wanna know how I got these scars?
Zoe begins to cry.
Clown: now my father, he was a drunk. And one day he comes home drunker then ever before. Mommy grabs a knife to defend herself, now daddy doesn't like that. He cut she throat right in front of me! And then he grabs the knife, and puts it in my mouth, smiling while he does.
He puts the knife into Zoe's mouth, we is petrified with fear.
Clown: why serious? And then he did this!
He points to his scars, and then looks back at the still frozen in place Saphron.
Clown: why so serious?
The camera pans away as a slicing sound can be heard.
( we all know what happened. Also if you don't like violence involving kids, or the deaths of kids, skip this part)
Saphron begins to move against her will, win controlled  by omega. She grabs aidrien by the hair and picks him up.
Aidrien: Mommy?
Saphron still screaming and crying brings her blade up. And swings it down.
( I'm sorry. He had to die. I'm gonna go burn in hell real quick be right back)
Saphron falls to her knees. Omega finally leaving her to return to Meta.
Saphron: your a monster!
Meta picks Saphron up by her neck.
Sigma: maybe so.....
he begins to glow red
Sigma: but so are you.


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