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Meta looked down at his new helmet, his symbol carved into the reflective metal of the glass. He looked at his reflection. Who was he anymore? Was he a huntsman? A soldier? A tool, to be used by others? No, The Meta was a monster. He wasn't Jaune arc, the lovable idiot leader of team JNPR. No, he was the Meta, a monster with no remorse, who killed with no remorse, that was him. He could still hear the laughter of his Friends when he did something stupid to humor them, he could still perfectly  picture the smile of Pyyhra's face when he showed up for the dance, but, they were just memories. Memories of an old time, a better time. When there was no Meta, no betrayals, nothing mattered but the next test. Or getting Weiss to go on a date with him. Sighing, Meta put on his helmet. This was his life now, he had to live it. Meta grabbed his brute shot, all sharpened and ready. Today was the day, he would finally become who he was meant to be, whoever that was.

With the "good guys"
Ironwood and his forces were prepared for anything. Beacon academy was the place where they would make their last stand. Ozpin, his students, ironwood and his army. It would all end today, one way or another.

With the " Bad guys"
Salem looked over her army as they prepared to march on beacon. This would be the final day, whoever's side Meta joined would have the key to victory, and so they needed Metas last piece that ironwood had on lockdown. Today the war would end, one way or another.

At beacon
Both armies converged on beacon academy. Thousand of people on each side, ready to fight for what they believed in. Hunters and huntresses, criminals and the white fang. All ready to tear each other to pieces. This was war, this was the final battle. Salem rode in on a giant Grimm, Ozpin walked up In front of his army. And with one loud battle cry, both armies charged.
The Meta watched closely as the 2 armies clashed, it was interesting to him to watch as people died for a lost cause. Why were they fighting? For control, over what? Meta truly didn't know. He walked right by the battle, as people died all around him he kept walking. Right towards his goal.
Sigma: forward
Omega: so close
Void: make us whole
A small vault door, which Meta easily broke down, houses a safe. Meta picked it up, and within seconds, delta opened the Safe. Inside was a lone AI chip, it seemed so small and unimportant. But looks can be deceiving. Meta placed the chip into his head, and roared in pain.
Sigma: welcome home Phase, the luck. We are whole now, thank you Jaune.
And Jaune fell to the ground.
At the battle ground
The battle stopped when an inhuman screech roared through the air. No Grimm could make that noise, it was something, no someone else. Bur who? Opzin knew
Oh god
With Meta
Meta stood up, confusion soon found itself on his face. He felt as if nothing has changed, but he made them whole!
Sigma: what has happened?
Delta: it seems nothing.
Omega: but we completed ourselves!
Xi: it didn't work, why?
Beta: nothing but a failure.
Epsilon: that's all we are
Phase: that's all will ever be
All: a failure.
And so the Meta didn't even resist as Atlas men took him into custody.

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