long live the Meta

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The music above is amazing, you should give it a listen. This takes place after the final battle of Dark wars by KLigers98 , read that first

Meta watched as his friends, who he had fought for so long, left to go back to each of there worlds. Leaving him to rebuild as the new god of darkness, and Pyyhra as the god of light. Pyyhra wanted to go to beacon and the make a speech there as the new god of light, she went with team rwby, they even invited Meta.

Pyhrra: Jaune? You're sure you don't want to come?

Meta shook his head

Meta: no, I've got somewhere I need to be. And please don't call me Jaune.

Pyyhra looked at her friend in confusion

Pyhhra: why not? It's your name after all.

Metas mind shook with memories as the epsilon Ai went crazy

Meta: please, just call me Meta.

Pyyhra smiled and nodded In understanding, she waved and helped hands with the remaining members of team rwby, as she teleported them away to give a speech at beacon. Meta looked back at the spot where darkness had fallen, and teleported out himself. He repeared at the edge of a tree line, in a very familiar destroyed town.

Epsilon: why are we here?

Meta looked over to a specific house, one he hadn't been to in a very long time.

Meta: unfinished business.

He walked to the destroyed house, where he could faintly make out a symbol on the side of it. It was an arc, this was his old house. He grabbed his bruteshot and broke into the old storage shed, grabbing a shovel and going into the tree line. He stopped right at a cliff that overlooked the ocean, and began to dig. He dug 9 separate holes, each marked with the names of a member of his family. He sat on the cliff next to his family's graves, and watched at the sun went down.

He once had a happy family, he once had friends, now he's alone

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He once had a happy family, he once had friends, now he's alone. And at his weakest moment, a certaint mess of wires appeared before him.

Sigma fragment: They left you here in this broken world, they don't care about you. The only thing they ever did for you was attempt to remove me, and they even failed at that.

Meta took his helmet off and threw it on the floor, attempting to get the voices out of his head, but the voices continued

Sigma fragment: Kyle, Makoto, romahy, all those you've come to call friends only see you as a monster, as a mistake. They left you in this shattered world, not even bothering to stay and make sure the world gets repaired. Face it, they only care about themselves and there worlds, and once those were threatened they decided to fight.

Meta began to claw at his ears

Meta: shut up!

Sigma smiled

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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