Prepare for war

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Meta looked on Upon the army of Grimm before him. His mistress said they would be marching upon atlas in 1 day time. Cinder and her lakies has been relaxing since there victory at Shade. But Meta was anything but relaxed. He was training none stop, and when he wasn't training he was prepare for battle by studying weaknesses and strengths of his opponents. But something was wrong. Why would they attack shade for no reason other than an ambush? Unless..... THE RELIC! Cinder didn't have it when they left, and she was Offaly quite on the way back.
She lost it
Of course!

With the resistance at Atlas
Opzin: and we have 3 Questions. But we have already used 2.
The fractured group were sitting around a table with ironwood and ozpin. They were deciding what to ask the relic for there last question.
Pyyhra: I have an idea.
Qrow: well then. Ask away!
Pyyhra: what Happened in the Metas mind?
This shook the group silent. What kind of question was that? Even qrow sat up. Shaking himself awake. This would be interesting.
The scene open onto the initiation for Meta. He walked tentavly towards the chip.
Take it
Make us whole
Get revenge
He grabbed the chip and put it in his helmet.
Booting up XI
Meta fell to the ground holding his head.
Sigma: welcome Xi
ETA: we missed you Xi
Iota: we missed you.
The next scene shows Meta walking on the train. He opens a door.
He looks towards a box covered in dust and bolted to the ground.
Take it
He broke the latch open. Taking an ai chip from the inside. He tentatively put it into his helmet. And again fell to the ground head in hands.
Sigma: welcome void
Omega: you serve with us now
The final vision was of the night that they tried to arrest the Meta. The night they betrayed him again.
He is running through the night, holding his bloody arm behind chase by Grimm. And for once they see fear in jaunes eyes. His helmet broken and his body bleeding he falls to his knees as the Grimm so round him. But just before they can attack him a black light lands and kills all the Grimm. Metas body is engulfed completely in black. The only thing that showed them it was still Jaune was his symbol was glowing red, still there though the black. And an disomboseaded voice speaks
You remember your promise. You can't die yet. I need you,  you need revenge, and your AIs need to be whole.
The voice seems to take shape as a man made of shadows appears next to the downed meta.
You serve me. Don't forget that Meta. Your semblance has you forever linked to me. I am the God of darkness and you obey me. Now rise.
Meta  rises despite his body's protest. He stands.
You remember your promise.
Meta: I... am.... yours.
The god looks at the audience watching him through the relic.
You can't win. Even with your new information my champion will destroy all of you.
He smiles an evil smile
You can make sure of that.
The relic cuts out.
Qrow: the kid. He works for the god of darkness!
Ozpin: he summoned the god using his semblance. He's his champion now. Jaune  arc is dead as of today. The god of darkness killed him. Only the Meta remains.
Pyyhra: that voice. I heard it during his initiation. And when he ran away at the hospital. As well as when he stood with the broken bones! I thought they were his AIs!
Ironwood: it's time. Now this info is groundbreaking. But we need to defend this kingdom. It's our last hope.
Yang: how can we fight against a god!
Ironwood: all we can do is try.
The group runs out. But the camera stays there as a black hole opens and man walks out. A man made of shadows. The god of darkness. He looks at you. The reader
You think this is a game? A fictional story on an internet app? Fools. This entire "story" was my doing. You can't hide readers. This is real. And when I'm done here, I'm coming for your precious world. Not even this "writer" can change the outcome of this story. Epsilon6666 can't change this, and neither can you. This is the end. And you lose no matter what.
He smiles one more time and leaves through another portal.

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