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Thanks to Ch276Zj  for this idea!! If you want your idea in the story then just comment!!
Today Meta has his first class since he came back. And to say he was pissed would be an understatement. He had to go to class?? Ports class no less!! This sucks
Anyways he went and went in the back of ports class and waited for it to starts. When his old team came in they saw him and tried to sit next to him. But a quick hiss scared them off. But team rwby was more persistent.
Ruby: hey Jaune? Mind if I sit here?
Sigma: we do mind. So go away
Meta: hiss
Ruby: that's not very nice!!
Sigma: go away
And ruby runs off in fear
Yang: Hey! Don't talk to my sister like that!!
She tries to punch Jaune but he catches it.
Omega: mistake
He throws her across the room into her team
Sigma: of course sir
Port goes through another one of his REALLY LONG STORIES
Epsilon: seriously!! Can I just posses his body??
Delta: there is a 87 percent chance that he has no mechanical pieces in his body
Epsilon runs at port and take him over
Port: hurk urk gurk
Weiss: Professor are you all right?
Port: never thought that would work! Yes I'm all right!!
Epsilon's uses ports body the entire class
Port: and class is over!! Leave please
Epsilon returns to Meta
Delta: that shouldn't have worked
Epsilon: but it did!
They go to goodwitchs class and sit in the back. A compete repeat of what happens in ports class with his friend happened again. Seriously take a hint!
Goodwitch: who would like to fight today!!
Cardin: I would like to fight the weakling!
Cardin points at Meta
Goodwitch: very well. Fighters get your weapons
Cardin comes back 10 minutes later
Goodwitch: 3!
Epsilon: all shit functions ready
Goodwitch: 2!
Omega: lets put  on a show
Goodwitch: 1!
Sigma: time to get creative
Goodwitch: GO!
Cardin rushes at Meta but he side steps it. He continues to side step all of Cardins attacks
Cardin: stop moving
Meta stand in place and Cardin charges him. But as he gets close..
gamma: activating time distortion unit! Take that shisnos!
Time stops and meta punches Cardin into a wall. Cardin gets up
Cardin: still weak. No wonder your friends abandoned you. Your just a failure
And that pisses Meta off
Like really pisses him off
He pulls his brute shot out and omega appears
He rushes at Cardin and breaks his mace with his blade form the brute shot. He then spins around and kicks him into a wall.( think doc in the first episode of season 8)
Cardin: I'm stuck!
Meta closely walks toward him
Meta: hiss, growl growl,
Sigma: translation, prepare to be shown the true meaning of pain ( free cookie for whoever gets that reference)
He pulls Cardin out of the wall an throws him across or where's room, as he is flying he fires all 6 of his brute shot rounds into Cardins back. His aura was now at 13 percent while Metas was still 100.
Epsilon: Haha! Bitch this is easy! Speed boost!
Meat comes at him at blinding speeds and punches him in the face. Braking a few bones. He pulls out his battle rife and fires at his mace, knocking it out of Cardins hand. Now with Cardins aura broken meta throws his brute shot at him, impaling it into CARDIN ARM. His arm is now barley holding on and Meta pulls his brute shot out.
Beta: now who's the failure
Now goodwitch gets involved
Goodwitch: mr. arc that's enough!
And that pisses  Meta off ( is it like piss Meta off day or something?)
He pulls out an experimental weapon, one he uses onto when very mad. He call it the incinerator
Delt: this miss goodwitch is called the incinerator, it fires a blast that will knock almost all of your aura out
Meat goes it as goodwitch and it throw her across the room, she barely can get up and flares at Meta
Meta: growl
Sigma: and for the record
Epsilon appears and he is flashing rapidly
Epsilon: it's not arc anymore bitch   

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