Its a trap!

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It had been 5 months since Meta acquired the Alpha. Since Then Salem had mostly killed all of the resistance to the new world order. Now the civilians lived in fear, and there was only 2 kingdom that stood in there way. Mistral and atlas. But Salem had a plan, she was using the headmaster of shade academy to set a trap for the hunters and huntresses. And she is giving the Meta the chance to spring the trap. They had been mostly demoralized by the deaths of Nora and ren. But now that the legendary team STQR we're traveling with them they felt safe.
How foolish they truly were. They would go to lion heart seeking refuge, only to find that the precious headmaster had sold them out. And that Meta, mercury and Cinder were waiting for them. They were seeking a safe haven, a god if you would. But they would find only the devil waiting for them. This is no fairly tale, this is real life. And the good guys don't always win.

At shade academy
Lion heart: welcome my friends!
Team STQR and the newly named team RMBR ( I know the letters don't match but they are team remember) has just arrived at shade academy. After fighting all across Mistral, they were tired and ready to go back to normal.
Qrow: lion heart, where is opzin? He said he and glynda arrived earlier today.
Lion heart looks to the door. To everyone else he was thinking, but he was looking at the cloaking Meta. Who was watching.
Lion heart: I'm sorry my friends. This was all I could do.
The back doors slam open, as cinder and mercury come out with a bound and beaten ozpin and goodwitch.
Opzin: qrow, you finally arrived.
Qrow: lionheart! How could you betray us like this?
Lionheart: I had no choice! A few lives or the entire academy!
Raven: Salem can't be trusted or bargained with!
???: oh I'm Afraid that's where your mistaken ms Brawen.
The group draw there weapons and turn around and see a man seemingly made out of fire.
Ruby: sigma.
Sigma: oh I'm glad you remember me.
There is a slam. As the door is forcibly  closed as the Meta uncloakes. Everyone shutters at his appearance. His helmets visor has his symbol carved in it, and his armor is battle worn and bloodstained. They didn't want to know who's blood that was.
Yang: what do you want? Let's skip the talk and fight!
Sigma: oh your mistaken. We simply want to congratulate ms Brawen on her brains.
Raven: my brains?
Delta: you are completely correct. Salem can't be bargained with or trusted. We were ordered to kill headmaster lionheart, but we saw a use for him.
Cinder: you disobeyed a direct order from the mistress?
Void: poor you! It seems like she left you in the dark!
Sigma: what would demoralize you more, then the betray of your comrade? Nothing, that's the answer.
Qrow: that's your best bet? He betrayed us for his school!
Epsilon: you really are idiots! You were being betrayed far before lionheart did!
Opzin: don't listen to him!
Epsilon: you ever wonder how did ironwood got his hands on 12 different AIs?
Summer: what?
Epsilon: ironwood wanted many AIs. But could only get the one. So he decided to reverse engineer a multiple personality disorder.
A small blue figure appears. He is wearing all blue armor and is glowing a very dim blue. This is the alpha.
Alpha: please don't hurt me.
Sigma: a once proud ai reduced to this.
Meta take out his brute shot. And cinder and mercury prepare for battle.
Alpha: kill them. Make it all worth it.
Cinder and mercury attack qrow and Raven, throwing Ozpin And goodwitch to the ground as they do.
Summer: ruby honey! Attack when we say!
Ruby nods.
Summer dashes at Meta with an overhead strike. Which is easily parried and summer is kicked to the ground. Meta then turns around and catches Tai's fist. Taking back his own and punching tai. Summer gets back up and throws her scythe at Meta, who slices it in half.
Summer: now!
Weiss summons a glyph under Meta, who attends to Jump away but it kept in place by a black aura. He turns to see a struggling Pyyhra.
Pyyhra: Get him!
Ruby and yang both come at Meta, ruby stabbing him in the shoulder and Yang punching him across the room.
Meta; hiss.
Get up meta. We have a job to finish.
Meta gets up but is shot down by a bright aura. Everyone turns to see ozpin and goodwitch standing. Ruby fires an explosive round at meta. And yang again charge at him with her semblance. Meta gets back up just to be hit by the round, and punches into the floor by yang. She unleashes a flurry of punches into meta.
And one final punch Punch
Yan gets off to look at Meta. His body is twisted in an unnatural angel. And by the looks of it most of his bones are broken. Cinder and mercury are apprehended by the combined forces of the 2 teams and teachers. They are taking them away when they hear a noise.
We aren't done.
We have a job to finish
The group turns around to what they thought was the Metas corpse. But it begins to speak.
Meta: please. No more.
Get up. We had a deal
Meta: they need to pay.
Good. You do remember.
Metas bones seem to snap back into place. As he rises.
Pain is overrated
A green Gas is emitted by Meta. And everyone's fear increased ten fold. Meta picks up his fallen brute shot, and loads 6 rounds in.
Raven: don't know when to quit do you?!
Raven runs at Meta dispite everyone's protest. She swings down at his head. But instead of a clean follow through. The blade stops. Looking over confused she saw Meta holding her blade between his hands.he snaps the blade in half and punched raven into the ground. He then threw her up and fired all six shots into her back. She landed with a crunch.
Meta moved her slightly with his foot, no reacting. He flipped her over and looked into the dead eyes of Raven brawen. She was dead.
Qrow: raven. YOU MONSTER!!
Qrow attempts to charge at Meta but is held back by a crying tai.q
The group Begins to reatreat. Running to a near by bullhead. But one stays behind. Goodwitch.
Sigma: oh? Have you stayed to challenge us?
Goodwitch: you'll follow them, and catch them. I'm just here to hold you off.
Epsilon: don't worry BDSM bitch you won't last long.
Goodwitch take her riding crop out but before anything can happen.


Her head now has a nice big hole in it. She falls to the ground dead courtesy of Metas magnum.
Xi: no aura?
Delta: she wanted to die. I guess that was less painful.
Epsilon: fucking anticlimactic!
Meta looked towards Lionheart.
Lionheart: look I did what you asked now let me go!
Lionheart fell dead. Mistral had fallen
Next stop


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