You ever wonder why were here?

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Phases armor ability is to create a loud sound that stuns everyone around him, like that Batman sonic suit!

Judge: all rise
The meta slowly walked down the court isle, being brought forward for his "crimes" he was aloud to keep his armor on, and keep his AIs, but that was it.
Judge: Jaune arc, you are being brought fourth here today on 479 of accounts of murder, 58 accounts of stolen property, 87 accounts of attempted murder, and 245 accounts of destruction of property. First witness please come up.
Ironwood walks up
Ironwood: mr arc attacked me, my specialist, and 2 beacon teams completely unprovoked. He then proceeded to stab one member in the leg, break another's wrists. And threaten to do more if he was not let go.
Judge: next witness.
Goodwitch comes up
Goodwitch: mr arc attempted to kill a student completely unprovoked. He threw his weapon at the student arm, almost causing the student to almost lose his arm.
Judge: next and final witness
Ozpin walks up
Ozpin: mr arc put 3 beacon teams into the hospital by brutally attacking them during a sparring match. Some of the injuries took months to heal, even with aura.
Judge: now that all the witnesses have come up, is there anyone who would like to come up for the defendant?
Until someone spoke up.
Qrow raised his hand
Qrow: I'll go
Qrow: I will admit, I don't know the Meta very well. But everything I've seen him do he was provoked first! The incident with Cardin, he had been bullying jauen since day one of beacon! And with the teams during the sparing match, he was defending himself! It was a fight and they were attacking him! And the final one, may I ask you this judge. If someone told you that you were going to jail, that you were going to jail for the of your life and everything you've done if for nothing. All you've sacrificed will be gone just like that. What would you do?the Meta did what he had to do, he attempted to run! He thought by helping at the breach that he could start to amend for his crimes, but they turned that into a crime too!!

Qrow  takes a second to catch his breath
Qrow: if people who are trying to do some good in this world, are punished for it. That god dammit that's not right!! At this point after all you've done, I would support Meta even if he went and helped Salem!!
Qrow goes to sit down.
The judge is clearly shaken by this, was he right to condemn this man who seems to innocent?
Judge: does the defendant have anything to say?
Meta stands up and goes to the front.
Epsilon: hey.
Phase: yeah??
Epsilon: you ever wonder why we're here?
Phase: it's one of life's greatest mysteries isn't it?
( phases voice is like the old jaunes)
Epsilon: are we here to be used by those around us?
Theta: are we here to live out our dream that has been denied at every corner?
Void: to live in fear of what the adults in our life want with us?
Sigma: but to us, the answer is clear.
Omega: we do, what we want.
Meat raises his arms as Phase appears next to him.
Metas suit makes a loud, screeching noice as everyone covers their ears. Meta runs for the door, breaking the door open and running away. He makes it into an alley, and breaks the handcuffs using a knife he found in the trash.
Theta: what now?
Gamma: we can't become human. Ironwood lied to us.
Epsilon: wouldn't be the first time.
Delta: I don't understand. Why go to all this trouble, create fake statistics and fake research, for what? Just to trick us?
Void: he used us, and manipulated us.
Omega: just to have a weapon!!
Theta: then where to we go, what do we do?
Epsilon: I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
They all look at him
Epsilon: were gonna fight

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