Family is forever

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Intercom: will Jaune arc come to ozpins office? Thank you
Meta was sitting  outside enjoying what little peace and quite he has. Since his old friends won't stop bugging him and his AIs are always talking it's rare that he gets some true quite, of course it has to be ruined!
As he slowly got up he took his rime getting to ozpin's office, no need to rush! It didn't help his AIs we're constantly talking
Epsilon: ok! Who did it!!
All the AIs turn and look
Theta: did what?
Epsilon: were definitely being called there for something we did! So who did it?
Sigma: it was   omega he can't sit still!
Omega: no! You will taste oblivion for attempting to frame me!! It was delta!
Delta: the odds of that are unlikely
Epsilon: ok we can rule our theta
Everyone nods
Epsilon: and we can rule out xi
Xi: why me?
Epsilon: your love. Freaking love!!
Xi: good point!
Meta gets on the elevator
Epsilon: delta wouldn't because he knows we would find out and he's to logical to do that
Sigma: gamma!!
Gamma: hahahahah you dirty shisnos!
Omega: that it I'm killing him
Omega starts to chase gamma around all while eta and iota are cheering
Sigma: QUITE!
Everyone stops and looks at sigma
Sigma: were here
And as he said that Meta steps out of the elevator, I tot o face his parents, well former parents.
Ozpin: ah yes glad you could join us, please follow me to the next room.
And as they walked in they saw all of teams JNPR and rwby with there parents sitting in a circle, but with one chair in the middle, Meta sighed, he knew who was supposed to sit in that seat. And as he sat swim everyone (except the beacon students) gave him weird looks.
Qrow: so who are you?
Sigma: that is none of your concern drunk
Qrow: why you!!!
He swings at sigma but it goes through him
Epsilon: man idiots these days!Always trying to hit holograms
Ozpin: please! Everyone calm down! Now your probably wondering why I've gathered you here, and why ironwoods operative is in the middle of the room.
Jacques: to our to lightly...
ozpin: but I assure you there is a reason that your all here!
Raven: there Better be, I have some white fang to rob
Ghira: don't you dare birder our fellow fanuess!
Raven: and what are you going to do about it?
They both stand up
Ozpin: glynda! Restrain them!!
Goodwitch uses her semblance to keep everyone in theirs seats
Ozpin: now that is settled. Mr a-
Epsilon: Ȉ̴̠͈̦͚͓̟̰̱̟̯̯͒̓͊̅̽̅̈́̉͘͠͝t̶̡̡̛̩̘̯̻͖͖̘̜̼̒̉͛̀́̍͒̊͐ͅ'̷͍̥̲̬̈͋̊̿̉̊́̀̾̇̏̐͝ś̴̜̘̤͖̲͖͖̯̀̀͒̚͝ ̸̛̣̺̙͚̽̒̄̂n̴͈̎̃̒̽̀͒ơ̶̻̼͊́̈́͑̀̒͐̈́̾̇͘ţ̴̛͉̹͔̠̺̫͔̳̝̱̣̯͛̃̍̈́͐̈̾͝͝ ̸͍̳̙̬̜͎̲̟̭̽̋́̅͠ͅa̵̧̢͚͈̙̮̮̪̱͒͆̄̏̐͆̿̈́̑͘ŗ̴̦̥̟̤̤̯͓̯́̾̌̇̊̊͊̐̉̕͝c̵̱̗̩̻̝̺̙̺͚̤͒͑̓̿̄̿͛̍́͐̔̍̈́́͌ ̴̜̘͎́̈͂̋̈͒̂̃͂̿͐ͅ

Ozpin: ok just take off the helmet!
And the Meta (reluctantly) takes off his helmet, and everyone (minus the beacon students) gasped
Especially jaunes parents. There stood there son, alive! But he looked so different, his once blond hair was snow a pale white, and his bright blue eyes are now cold and harsh. And now he has those scars! Nine on his neck, and one that goes from his forehead to his lip!
Mr arc: Jaune?
Meta throws his helmet back on
Epsilon: never heard of him! 
Mrs arc: Jaune it's us your parents!!
Omega: we don't have parents!!
Mr arc: Jaune stop playing a fool!!
Meta: hiss, growl growl growl
Kali: please stop! He clearly doesn't want to talk to you!!
Mr arc: stay out of this!! It's a family matter!!
Meta charges Mr. arc punching him across the room
Meta: hiss
Mr arc gets up but is thrown across the room, he gets up and tries  to stop Meta
Mr arc: please Jaune!! Stop this!!
Mrs arc jumps informs of Jaune
Mrs arc: please!! Your our son!!
Epsilon: son!! Son??

Epsilon:  F̷̙͑a̸̤͋̕͘͝m̸̛̰̪ǐ̵͉͓͂̃̀ḷ̸̢̩͚̉y̸͖͍͉̤͐?̵͍̂̈́͝ ̵̼͓̖̭̀̔͊̚F̷̹̼̜̟̋͑̔ā̶̗͊̕͜m̵͈̈́̀̈ì̷͈͕͋̀͋ḽ̴̘̺̰̌͂͑̚y̶̪͉̅̈͌ ̵̛̼̻̮̋̽̂d̶̟̿̎͝ȯ̶̭̌̈̚ë̷̫s̷̗͑ñ̵̛͔͎̅̈'̶͈̣́͘t̶̢̟͆̓̈͑ ̷̛̲̰͚͗͂t̸͍̞̜̋̔ụ̷̗͖̍̈́r̴͈̈́͆̅́ͅn̵̝̈ ̸̘̜̲͛͌̕t̵̪̪̤͓̒̑h̸̳͂é̴̞̊̑́i̶̤̓̔́̚r̵̝͋̓̾͜ ̶̛̠̔̌ͅb̴̩̅̎a̷̼̖̠̓̑̏͝c̶̬̜̣͖͌̈́̂̇k̸̥̊̍̚s̸̙̭̙͋ ̴̨͚̋͋́o̷͉͐n̸̹̱̈́́ ̴̣͕̞̦͐̿ë̵̛̬͎̔͠a̶̺̗͎̓͠c̷̨̰̤̐̑̂h̸̨̥̘̀̆̃̕ ̸̢͓̺͖̈̃͝o̴̪̖̓̒t̵̬̜͕̽h̵̙̬̬̤̎̐̒͝ḙ̵̓̍̓ȑ̵͇!̶̮͈̗̇̄͌!̶̘̜̄̐͛̋ ̴̢͈̹̂̎̚T̵͈̥̣̥͒h̶̠̠̀̓͑ĕ̵̠͓͉̆̓̆͜y̵̤̗̳̫͋́ ̷̥̫̮̗̐s̵̞̜̀̈́̕ư̷̭͖̈͗p̶̦̈́̓̄p̵̘̈́͌͠o̸̢͕̔͠ȓ̵͈͇͖̾̓ţ̵̰̲͙̆̉̊̆ ̷̛̮̟̈͛̎͜ê̷̠͕̽̽́a̴̳̣͉̐̌ͅc̷̐͜͝h̷̡̹̘̯̑̓ ̴̪̝̤̤͑̀͋̐o̴͇̫̒̏t̵̳̖͌̏̃̚ḧ̷͍̫́̋ë̴́̊͂͜ȓ̵̮̾̕!̷͈̹̻͐̈́͝!̷͉̥͔̈́̈͂ ̸̫͔͑͂W̴̥͋e̴͎̫̾́̿͜ ̴̟̪̚a̷̍͜r̷̙̙̈ȅ̶̠̻̞ ̸͔̃̆̚n̴̟̹̠̉̌̚o̴͇͐͐ṭ̷̟̘͓̾͆ ̷̡̣̋̊̍̽f̴̘̠̚͜ͅȧ̷̮̎̓͂m̷̲̗̘̊̑͝i̶̤͇͑͂͛̕l̵̹̠̈́̈́̂ͅy̸͊̊̀̚ͅͅ!̸͈́!̶̝͇̃͝ ̴̗̠͔͛̒̐̆W̶̠̾̚ͅę̵͖̗͋͛͛̒ͅ ̷͈́ä̷̙͊͐͠r̷̼͓̽͑̐̚͜e̴̗̐ ̵̝̖̉̅́͆ť̸̯͓͈̅̽͘ẖ̴́̽e̵̻̼̍̔̎ ̷͔͔̊͌̾̉ͅM̵̥̺̰̯̾́͘ê̷̩͕̣̙͐͠t̷͉̤̉̈̐̿a̵̙̻̍̐!̷̡̳͙͆̽̀!̵̠̤͖͗̅͜

Meta falls to the ground with his hands on his helmet
All the AIs appear around Meta in the same position
All: my names Jaune arc, sweet, roles off the tongue, ladies love it!!
( these are memories, being projected by the AIs, due to epsilon getting many memories due to seeing Metas parents again,  when it says all that me as all the AIs speaking for Jaune.sorry if this seems like a cop out)
Past ruby: do they?
All: well I how they do!! My mom always sa- aaa! Never mind!
Jaunes parents attempt to run to his aid, but Meta barely stands up and points his pistol at them
Meta: hiss
All: guys what's happening?
All: What? No I didn't!!
Past Weiss:the evidence is clear!! Your going to jail forever criminal!!
Past Pyhrra: I can't believe I ever loved you
Ren punches him
Past ren: stay away from me and Nora
Past Nora: I can't believe I ever called you fearless leader
Yang walks up and punches him in the chest, breaking most of his ribs
Yang: stay away from ruby, or else I'll do much worse then any Grimm can
Past Weiss stabs him in the leg
Past Weiss: I can't believe you thought you had a chance with me
Blake just looked at him with disgust and walked away 
And finally ruby
Past ruby: I can't believe I ever called you friend.
She slashes  Jaune across the face, giving him that scar
Jauen is then brought to the court house, and sentenced to 20 years in atlas prison, but chooses to become test subject for atlas, then ironed talks to him( look at the conversation form chapter 1) and he starts training. First sigma in injected into his neck
He falls to the floor, all theses ideas of another mind forcibly put in his head. It hurt like hell!! And he had  7 more!!!
It seemed like it was one but one more special memory passes by
Meta tackles a guy but he shakes him off, pulls out a gun, and shoots him nine times point blank to the neck!!! Meta falls to the ground and the guy starts to walk away. But he turns around to see Meta bleeding form his neck and chargers at him. The guy throws a punch but Meta catches it. He then twist the gust arm and put punches his HEAD OFF!!
And memories end with Meta walking away, and collapsing
Meta is on the floor his head in his hands. He passes out form all the memories coming back.

The truths have been seen

Now what will happen?

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