Gaining ground

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the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness

Meta sat on a roof top overlooking a atlas facility. It had been 6 months since he was "captured" and he had learned of the existence of the alpha, the original ai. But ironwood himself was the only one who knew where alpha was, and to get to ironwood, he needed new allies. Meta knew of Salem and her allies through ironwood, and he needed to get their attention. And he Meta knew this would. He was going to raid this atlas facility, which housed not only ironwoods personal warship , which was getting repaired. But it also housed about 20 of the new palidens. Meta cloaked and ran in.
Sigma: control center, far exit to the right.
Meta ran into the doorway, avoiding a nearby patrol.  he walked in and saw 2 people sitting there, asleep on the job. So he grabbed his knife and slit their necks. Grabbing a hard drive, he plugged it in and let it grab the information. Once it finished he cloaked and ran out. Meta then went to ironwoods ship, and using the codes he stole earlier, got in. Going to the bridge, meta planted bombs all around, then repeated the process on the rest of the ship. Running to the paladin area, meta places bombs on all of them, until his cloak ran out.
Guard: HEY!
Meta turned around and threw his knife into the guards head.
Epsilon: god we are awesome! Suddenly, hundreds of  guards ran out surrounding Meta.
Captain: hey asshole! Drop your weapon!
Meta took his bruteshot off his back. This would be a blobath. And all that could be heard were screams.
Meta looked around, he was surrounded by the mutalated corpses of the soldiers. He got up and ran out of the building, and pressed the trigger. Causing the entire building to explode from the inside Out.
Meta: hiss
Meta ran into the night.

The next day

Lisa: thee had been another report of an attack on a atlas base. Some people believe that it is the white fang finally rising up. But a survivor tells a different story.

Interviewer: and what is your name?
John: john smith.
Interviewer: and what did you say happened at the base when it was attacked?
John: it was just a normal day, we were doing patrols, and security checked in on time. But that's when it came.
Interviewer: it?
John: at first we thought it was help, maybe a new specialist or something. But no, it wasn't. At first people came in saying they saw a shimmer, and when we checked the control room. The guys there were dead, throats slit and everything. We heard a scream and ran toward it, me CO gathered most of the soliders and we surrounded the guy. He had some weird white armor on with a helmet that had a weird symbol carved in on it. When we asked him to put his weapon down, he pulled it out. And one  second he was there, the next he was somewhere else , killing someone I knew!  He slaughtered them all, every last soldier! And when he was done, he simply carved a symbol on the ground and ran out. I followed and saw him blow the entire building up! He didn't even take anything! He just blew the building up!

John broke down in tears, and the feed ended.
Lisa: that was, disturbing. Pleas everyone look out for this new menace.
The news feed ends.

With Meta
Meta was walking thought the dark streets of vale, but suddenly instead of Vale, he was in some weird castle. And surrounded by a group of people.
Meta: hiss
Salem: ah, you must be meta.
Void: don't waste our time with pleasentrys! We have places to be and something to find!
Cinder: watch your tongue  when speaking to my mistress!
Meta moved his attention to cinder.
Omega: and how exactly are you going to stop us?
Cinder backed down.
Salem: so, your looking for something? The alpha correct?
Delta: how could you possibly know about the alpha?
Salem: my friend wats has done lots of research. And we have a proposition for you. Pledge eternal loyalty to me, and I can give you what you want.
Gamma: what could you have that we want?
Salem: what if I told you?
She got close to Meta

Salem: that we knew where the alpha was?

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