Freedom is a concept

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If you have not read Dark wars by KLigers98 newest chapter then do it now, cuz this has major spoilers. Good? Let's begin

Freedom is not a right, freedom is concept, a idea. Freedom is simply a fail safe, and those who pursue it are fools. Those who fear it are fools, those who hate it are fools, but those who acknowledge it for what it is, they are the only ones who will truly ever achieve it.


Meta stumbled away from the battle field, his mind a complete mess from just having Sigma forcibly removed from his head. His pace quickened as he approached the tree line, and eventually he broke out into a spirit running into the forest until he reached a clearing. He slumped against a tree laying in its shade, and took his helmet off. Allowing his AIs to project themselves out in front of him. His eyes going along the many different colors and AIs, and finally landing on one jumbled mess of codes and memories. The remnants of sigma, he was far too attached to remove completely, and now what little remained on him stayed in Meta.

Meta: ah

Meta attempted to speak, only for a intense pain to go down his throat and into his chest. He claws at his throat hoping the pain would go away, but it did not.

Delta: I believe we should address the metaphorical elephant in the room. What are we going to do now?

Epsilon: we could take some time off? Find a relaxing beach with some hot girls an-

Epsilon was shut up by omega hitting him with a holographic rock.

Omega: Shut up you fool! We could go to a remote village and murder all its inhabitants!

Theta: No No No!

He stomped his feet on the floor

Theta: we can't kill anyone else! We've caused enough pain!

Gamma: it doesn't ma-ma-matter what we do, we are free now.

???: Oh, but are you really?

The AIs and Meta turned to see the remains of sigma, talking?

Sigma: freedom, what really is freedom hmm? Freedom is a concept created by your own mind, telling you that you can do whatever your heart desires. But that isn't true now is it?

Void yelled in frustration and attempted to dispose of the remains of sigma, only to find he could not.

Sigma: from the moment you are born till the time you die, you are a slave. Weather it be to your boss at your job or to your parents, you must do there every bidding, but why? Because your mind tells you to, but doesn't your mind make up the  concept of freedom? Now that, that is where the trick is!

Void groaned in frustration at sigmas monologue

Void: get to the point will you?!

Sigma: Meta you have been free from the moment you were born, and your so called freedom was never taken away from you. What I'm saying is you killed all those people on your free will, and you continued because you liked it.

Meta took a moment to let sigmas words sink in, he had killed his best friends, his family, and thousands others off his own free will?

Meta: hiss

He really was a a monster

???: come on buddy Lighten up!

Meta turns and looks up at a boy watching him from a tree branch. He was wearing all blue clothes with a sniper attached to his back, and wearing a pair of blue tinted glasses.

Epsilon6666: I'm epsilon6666, and I'm here to talk to you this fine day. Do not resist.


Delta: your named after an ai?

The Epsilon ai moves in front of the very human Epsilon

Epsilon ai: this cannot be anymore confusing!

Epsilon6666 walked past the AIs and sat in front of the downed Meta

Epsilon6666: you think your a monster? Well guess what buddy your not! Wanna know how I know that? Cuz I made you a monster! But I'm not here to talk about that either, I'm here to give you this.

Meta: hisss

Omega: You! You ruined our lives and made us this! Why?!

Epsilon sighed

Epsilon6666: I know you hate me and that's fair, but at least let me tell you why I did what I did. I made you into the meta so you could defeat Darkness in the long run, if he had his way you would have been under his thumb forever.

Delta faced the Boy

Delta: That logic is, acceptable

Epsilon6666: I'm here to not only give you something, but to tell you something to. I'm sure by now your aware of the fragments of sigma that remain in your head Meta, that is not all. I'm sure The other epsilon remembers Doc and O'Malley.

Omega chucked

Epsilon AI: god that guys spilt personality was Insane!

Epsilon6666: You have a split personality modeled after Sigma, but don't worry about that now, take this.

He hands meta a blue coin, that read

Do you find yourself ever wondering, "Man, I could really use a god right now". Fear not, because with flip of this coin you can have your very own god for a limited amount of time!


Do not consume the coin, do not let small children around the coin as it is small and they could swallow it. Also do not commit war crimes in the coins name, cuz we can't handle anymore lawsuits.

Epsilon6666: if you ever need a helping hand, or just someone to talk to, flip that coin and I'll be there in a second. Welp, I've done all I can, see ya later buddy!

The boy in blue glitches in place, and disappears. Leaving Meta alone, but with renewed confidence in himself.


Epsilon. The nearest town? Why would you wanna know the loc- Oh!

Delta: Five clicks south.

Meta stood and moved in that direction, it was time for him to be a hero again

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