Chapter Two

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Scarlett opens her locker planning to do her world history assignment on recess because she 'accidentally' forgot her world history book in the locker at school. As she opens her locker she found a fancy red enveloped. She then reads the letter.

Words outs, you have been single for long and peer pressure can be tough!

If you're one of the people who receive this then we have a great deal for you!

A free trial to try our program/service before Valentine's Day.

This service offers an anonymous surprise and gifts to stage that someone likes you at your school or home. We also offer you a date and fake partner to help you in the act of the tough single word.

-Valentine Inc.

PS contact us here:  for apply


Stalker much? And it sounds way too sad if you come to think of it. Maybe it's hoax or prank? I look around me to see who's been tricking me but no one seems to look at me in a laughing stock way. I put my envelope in my bag in case I get bored and I want some research things to do. I also took out my books for the class and definitely have to remind them to do my history homework which I now called extra schoolwork. As I prepare for my chem class, wearing a lab coat and glasses over my glasses, I saw Trainor and Bowell on their way on the same table as me showing a paper written group member's names and numbers. Great..we're a team.

"Hey Scar looking scowl as ever." Bowell greets me which beats nothing.

"Same to you Bowel, looking shit as ever." I spat.

"I guess we're on the same team eyy?" Trainor smirks and pats Bowell's back who just chuckles. Both of them sat to the opposite side table of me, looks at me, and looks at each other. I'm sure they're planning to do something evil. I growl and warn them, "If you guys test me instead of the experiment. I swear to the love of-"

Trainor cuts me, "Relax Klein, we're not doing that to you. It's boring to bully you, we already know what your reactions are. Given by we bully you since like what? 1st grade?" Typical Trainor is proud of everything he says about what he has done. I wanted to burn his face with the lighter displayed right in front of me. I then face the board where Professor is going to explain. I tried to listen to our professor about the lesson and what we're going to do for the experiment. But Trainor and Bowell's nonsense conversation voice-over professor's voice.

"Brad, bro, I was in the shower this morning with a smart question to ask professor." Trainor still taking to Bowell behind me.

"What's the question you're going to ask professor?" Bowell's voice is interested in probably a nonsense question.

Although I know most of our smart questions came from showers, I know Collin Trainor isn't that smart.

"So you know when you get colds but you don't blow your nose so it became phlegm and you now start to cough?"

...... Are guys always- nevermind.

"Yeah, continue." Bowell encouraging Trainor.

"So if you swallow the phlegm, you digest it right? What happens if you digest the phlegm? Is that like eating yogurt but just a bad yogurt?"

"I don't know Cole. Maybe you should ask that to Scar, I'm sure she's smart."

I turn around and shush them. Seriously, I have missed like 10 minutes of what our professor is saying.

The history homework was actually tough, thank the teen spirit they only give you homework on Fridays. But now I have actually had more time to do something because dad offers to cook for the dinner and it's my older brother Nick's duty today for washing dishes. I just flop down in my bed, listening to an album staring at the ceiling and realized...

The envelope, The Valentine Inc, The thing.

I took the letter out of my bag and search it on my phone.

There's no website. This is a hoax. I then try to send an mail to the email address that probably didn't exist as well.



Subject: Thanks for the thought

Stop pranking and shit. It's Feb, not April.. You guys are way too early.

Also, the envelope and letter were really fancy. Even if it's a prank I think you made a good stationery choice. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone.

I sent it on time the dinner is ready.

Dinner wasn't silent. It got actually got noisier since mom died from brain cancer. Dad worries about it too much so he makes sure to cover up mom's responsibility raising two kids and never even go out on a date. Every time I open up about it saying it's fine to go and find a new partner he gets really furious so Nick and I pretend we were okay with this, that this is normal but it isn't. We know dad is still hurting. Mom died 8 years ago and it's going to be decade which I worried about it more if dad keeps pretending.

Nick is a year older than me, he's going to NYFA next year. We never had that relationship where we fight a lot but, maybe because we also never hang out at school. They have their senior thingy. We have a very close relationship considering he is the most caring, loving, and has a lot of patience towards me as a brother. Thinking about him going to different states making me miss me already. He's been doing auditions a lot since we were kids which is the only reason why most of our family trips are based in LA and New York. We also went to France once, it was amazing and it was the only overseas complete family trip I had. Nick and us his family were invited for one of the independent films Nick made, he was 8 and I was 7 yet I still remember some parts of it. Again, It was fucking awesome. We still talk about that trip on our Dinner discussions.

After Dinner, I tried to offer my help to Nick but Nick says he'll do it and I should just go and be free while it last cause. That made me sad and I know Nick said it to make me feel happy but I just feel sad. I can go after Nick, right? I mean we're just one year apart but, what about dad? I don't want to think of it right now. I should check my phone.

1 mail.

It's not a prank.

Dear Miss Klein,

This is an actual thing, but we keep a small circle.

If you feel like this is a joke you can ask for more information to miss Caily Trainor. She's one of the top cupids in Valentine Inc. BUT PLEASE BE DISCREET ABOUT IT.

-Valentine Inc.

Be discreet about it? Okay one, we're talking about Caily Trainor here. Caily Trainor the twin sister of Collin Trainor and Caily Trainor the group leader of last year's cyberbully incident. Two, Out of all the people that I question about this prank you gave me the name of the person who is actually capable of doing the prank. Lastly, Discreet? The more this inc or whatever they are shady about it, the more I wouldn't believe this ain't a prank.

I just don't reply to it again. Real ass shady and the more I'll be a laughing stock if I keep sending some message or even talk to Caily Trainor. I am done dealing with one Trainor this day.

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