Chapter Nine

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Nick agreed to drive me. And now that I have heard Harper's side of the story in one phrase, and now I knew that Nick was a cupid which is what we have in common, I decided to tell it to him with this question;

"Hey, guess what I have found out from Harper today. Hint, it's something we have in common."

He shrugs, "I don't know, last names?"

SML "you're older than me but you're dumb. Do you think I just found out from Harper that we have the same last names? You serious." I shake my head looking him in disbelief.

"What is it then?" He glances at me for a while. He needs to work on that eyes on the road thing. Maybe me telling I'm cupid could get us in an accident, but last time we got into argument it didn't right?

"I just found out that we both work from Valentine's inc.!" excitement in those words I add.

The car stopped and it shrieked so loud. Thank god I have my seatbelts on. We look at each other and I smile brightly. He was not into it.

"Surpriseeee?..." I add.

Nick hits me at the back of my head. Ouch. Well there's no seatbelt for it. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Scarlett Julliard Klein! What the hell were you thinking?!" He raised his voice with the bulging eyes.

"Money? Food? Both? Well the gift cards were great t-"

Nick once more hit the back of my head, "Scarlett you have to quit. Now."

"But I just accept two clients. How about after these two clients I'll quit." I raised one hand and put the other one on my chest saying my promise clean and honest.

"When would be the end of those two clients?" He dragged his question.

"Um, the day before Valentine?" I furrow my brows not sure really of the right answer.

"Are you out of your mind?! Are you crazy Valentines' Inc. only starts at every month of February and ends after Valentine's Day so basically you are working for the whole time? Unless you are the Cupid of the month..." He looks up in car hood trying to recall how Valentine Inc. works.

"I. Have. No. Idea. What you are. Talking. About. They probably changed the system. And Only Feb to the day after Valentine's Day? Pfft. So Basically like what 2 weeks?" It's basic math... And it's ridiculous.

"Yeah? But once a year thing. No, the topic here is what made you think to become the cupid? I understand if you become the client and those offering you cause words out, you have been single for so long." He juggled his words not sure anymore. For a moment he was lost on the point of scolding me. I know I'm single for so long but he really did point that out.

"Wow thanks, but you first brother, what made you became the cupid or even think about joining the Valentine Inc?" Change the topic? It's called give and take. He has to give his reasons first before I do.

Nick move his seat slightly to face me, "I was the first batch of cupids. Back then, they just have been started it and they were lack of cupid, so they asked the students who were nominated as prom kings and queens. And what made me really entered the incorp. Was that I know Harper is in trouble with her relationship and I thought it was my chance to have an excuse." His expression change somewhere between when he talked about The prom kings and queens and when he calls Harper's name.

I nod understanding everything in place of his story, "Oh, okay. And I joined because I was offered and that never interest me but I thought being cupid would be nice with all that Caily's words and such. The main reason, it was an irrational decision. Now, can you drive where we need to be?" I used every cuteness power I have.

Nick went back to focus on the road starting the car and give me one last look asking, "Who are the two guys you're handling now?"

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