Chapter seventeen

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After Game.

They lost. Yep they actually lost. They lost versus North Gliddeon High.

You know who was pissed off by it?

Collin Trainor.

Bradley Bowell on the other hand was kind of crying... Well I didn't know he was actually going to lose so now the 'it would be a disappointing' and all such commentary was insensitive. I saw Harper shocked by the news and sighs when she took a note in her notepad for the school newspaper.

I bet they'll add some stuff in the end like, 'at the end of the day they are still our champion and like that.' Or along with the line 'There's still next game.' And like 'at least our team did the best.'

I don't know but after that game and coach talk, Brad just said that we're going and I ride in his car. The ride was really silent. Damn this Birthday/Valentines/First date sucks... But also like I shouldn't say that out in my mouth.

I looked at Brad and no matter how I said, "Hey, we'll get them next fine." Or "You were really good out there" and all that compliments he shortly replies to me.

You can feel like he's not in the mood for anything at all.

So I just gave in cause I really don't want the day o ruin.

"Brad, if you're not in to mood for the date, we can do it some over time. You can take me home now." I break the silence in the car ride.

Bradley looks at me for too long while driving...

"Eyes on the road poopy."


"Let's just call it a day for now. We can move the schedule for the date."


"That's fine, I'm sorry for the game as well. I shouldn't have put pressure on your game. Want some of my birthday cake? That might cheer you up. I'll give some slice before you go home."


"Oi, too much sorry."

"Sorry...But we're actually here." Bradley's gloomy face turns into happy grinning like an idiot.

I'm so confuse not only by his mood changes but also by where we are. His family's restaurant.

"What?" Oh... So this is where we gonna have our first date.

Bradley parked his car, "Wait, don't go out yet."

I give him a question look watching him go out first to turn the other side and open the door for me. I laughed.

"Madame," He then offer his hand out to help me step out the car.

He damn good. Does he have mood swings?

He was still holding my hand walking through the restaurant.

We entered and the whole place was empty but there's food. Like a buffet style.

We stared into each other then we both look back at the place.



I saw my family, Nick and dad.

Justin, Anita and Lewis.

Then there's Brad.

Bradley then whispers in my ear. "Happy Birthday Scar."

"Oh god, we didn't know you are actually Scarlett Klein I know, you grew bigger."

"How did you know. Wait are you not mad? Wait, what do you mean by the Scarlett Klein you know? I am so confused"

"No, Justin and Brad explained everything. What are the odds that you became cupid for both of my child, I thought these two wouldn't have a problem in dating especially Bradley."

I look both of them Justin secretly mouthing 'later' means that he'll explain things to me later. So I just nod at him back.

Nick then hugs me, "Happy ValenBirthday, thanks for the embarrassment today at lunch." He must indeed receive the choir tiktok version of 'my brother's gay and that's okay'

I scoff, "Well mind you, I was just trying t give back your appreciation."

"By the way, dad found out the cupid thing so um we're both dead. But if you're going to use that 'it's my birthday card', I'm sure it might work."

"Thanks for the heads up Nick."

"No problem sis. By the way, I don't hate Bradley anymore. We all actually have long history back with him when mom's still alive."

"Wait really? How come? I don't remember anything.." Nick and I looked at Brad eating a bread on the corner trying to recall if I saw him somewhere.

"Neither did I, not until you broke his heart. He talked to me."

"I did not break his heart."

"That's what all heartbreaker says." Nick teases walking out on me. I then head to Justin talk.

"So what's up girl, thank you for coming to my surprise birthday party."

"Well you're welcome. By the way, Anita knows I'm gay. I just come out to her."

"Well how did it go?"

"It went well.. better actually than I expect it."

"I'm dating Brad...Well I'm not sure yet. We're on a date orrr that 'let's go out on a real date' was a part of my surprise birthday set up?"

"I think he wants you to date for real this time."

"Wait didn't you tell Brad yet that you're gay?...Not that I'm pushing you."

"Here's the thing, I'll come out today on your birthday. To everyone. Not only to people you know but us close...Especially to my dad."

"Awww then it's both our special day."

"I'm nervous."

"I'll hold your hand then."

"Thank you. Very much."

We had dinner birthday dinner. We were talking and that's how I found out that one of the best days I have (Nick's play) actually has to do with the Bowell's. Everything was actually settling out and that's how I knew the reason why Justin wanted to come out as well cause every little thing that stayed with for us so long and never was out actually right under our nose how the world could be so big and small at same time.

I never wanted my birthday to end. I take back about the occasion I hate. I love Valentines Day. I get how one day could be so special and there's nothing wrong about doing special for a day because every day can't be the same. We had laughs and jokes, everyone actually get along.

Justin holds my hand. I looked at him giving him an encouraging smile. I know this is it.

"Um everyone, I want to say something really important." Justin chimes announcement in our table Anita knew what's going to happen so she then giving Justin an encouraging smile too.

Everyone besides us, listen and lending their attention to Justin.

Justin grips my hand tight. He breathes a long breath before talking...

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