Chapter Five (point five)

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I approached Nick as soon as I saw him. I gotta attack first before what other people say would and what would Nick think.

"Niiiiccck.... What.... I didn't know you're here... what a coincidence brother... What you're doing in here?...." I pretend dumb.

"I also didn't know you're here. Wait what are you doing here? I thought you're at Harper's?"

"Here's the thing-"

Harper came in the scene to cut me off and explain to Nick to also make it more believable? I don't know at this point really.

"Our school newspaper activity is to report the school sports game. I just brought Scarlett with me."

"Oh okay." Nick nods but I know he nods like there's something wrong. He's my brother, that nods was the same nod he did when he said he understands and respects my opinion that I didn't like this French film cause it was boring and too dramatic.

"Wait what about you?" really. I was curious about what fate brought him here to almost kill me from a heart attack.

"I thought the home was boring so I thought to watch the school's football game. Did you guys see around? This school is unbelievable."

"Yeah, I actually did."

"Me too, and I get it, it's huge and fancy."

Then a moment of silence and then Nick looked at me examine my back.

Oh, fuck the jersey... right...

"When did you support Bradley Bowell out of all football players? Why is his last name Bowell god, I don't like that last name." Nick questioned me still in perplexed face examine the jersey I wore over my sweater.

me and Harper looked at each other like we're thinking the same thing, what excuse should we give him?

"He's the captain, right? And you know, we really need him to be interviewed in this game. We gotta let him know that we're interested to watch him play. We got to get his attention right?" Look at you Scarlett... full of the bowel(l) came out from your mouth.

"Hmmm. Okay. So I guess we're going home together then?"

"I guess." Don't pull any stunt Scarlett or you are dead.

"We have to get back on our seat. Sorry we can't bring you in the VIP row, it's part of our school activity newspaper report.. job" Harper hard to be normal. I think we all are trying to be normal as possible right now.

"Yeah, sure that's fine. Scarlett, Meet me in here again after the game."

"Yes sir!" I involuntarily salute to Nick noting his words. Here, after the game.

They announced that the game was starting and out of nowhere Brad pop out in front of me.

"Scar, who's Simba you're trying to fall aside from me?" Bradley lights up face looking at me wearing his jersey.

"To be honest I don't like wearing your last name. Should I start calling you to thy poop? Poopy?"

"Ahhh romantic when you call nicknames I love that we have endearments."

"Poopy it is."

Poopy I mean Bradley waves at the crowd, and It made a lot of girl screaming and some people cheering so I couldn't hear what he is saying towards me. I leaned towards the side of his face trying to hear him.

"So which ones did you most enjoy eating it?" He asked which I clearly don't understand.

"huh?" I ask back.

"The French snacks."

Oh, that.

"Oh, the cheese and spice flakes."

I can feel him smiling.


Then I felt a sudden peck of a kiss on my cheek.

I just feel something that I shouldn't for my first client. I shouldn't fall for it as a cupid.

Believe me, I'm trying hard to focus on the game. I really did. But I can't with every time Brad scores, winking at me. Too much for me to handle.

You know what should I called it? A Bowell movement. Hahaha. Go ahead and laugh about it Scarlett, you're the one who's obviously falling. Shit.

"Just give me the word and I'll beat the shit out of Bowell." Pissed off Nick after the game. "Stop it Nick, it's fine. Really. Look at the bright side... Our team won! Our school won!" I danced out in celebration all though most of the time I was just bothered by Bradley's stupid flirty ass Bowell movement.

"so? What about sexual harassment?"

"Oh my god, it was just a kiss on the cheek."

"I'm taking you home now, you guys wrote the reports already? Let Harper interview Brad, they're close." Nick holds my wrist furiously and tries to drags me to the car.

"Yeah.. we're going to review the reports tomorrow in school. And um Nick?" I stopped him. He looks at me with changing furious expression to annoyed, "what."

I looked at the ice cream truck.

Nick looks at me in disbelief, "This cold winter night season and you want to eat ice cream?" I nod. Nick sighs and heads for the ice cream truck.

YAY We're gonna get some ice cream!

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