Chapter Twenty (end)

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"You're drunk."

"No, I'm tipsy. But as for the joke, No, I'm Scarlett. Why are you here anyway? Are you ready to apologize properly to Justin."

"You guys got it all wrong."

"Yeah sure."

"Look Cole started it all."

"Oh now you point blames so make yourself clean."

"No that's not what I meant. I don't know how Cole knows about the coming out of Justin."

"Suree." Scarlett replied in sarcasm.

"I swear Scar."

"If I were you... You should talk to Justin first and apologize not me."

"Okay, but after Justin and I make amends. Will you talk to me properly and hear me out?"

Scarlett nods as a reply.

And it suddenly rains. What a great timing it is.

Pool party is over for some but when teenagers that are mostly drunk gather together. They don't actually care, they are soaked already.

"We should go home now." Nick found Scarlett in the couch squeezed by other people holding a beef jerky and a red cup very uncomfortable.

"Can we stay a little longer?" Scarlett pleads

Nick's amused face wondering what made his sister changed her mind, "Have you met someone entertaining? And where's Justin? I gotta find him so we can go home now."

"He probably talking with Bradley."

"Ohh he went straight bonding with the host."

"no, I meant the other Brad."

Nick furrows his brows.

"You know the soon to be stepbro."

"He's here?"


"That won't go end well." Nick leaves Scarlett to find Justin.

30 minutes later

"That end well." Nick chimes driving Scarlett and Justin.

"Well, I think alcohol helps me with doing amends and deals." Justin shrugs.

"Even if it's my first time partying, I think no party can beat how it went today. I think it's the most oddly funny, epic, great party I've been in."

"What about your birthdays?" Nick asks.

"No comment." Scarlett jokes.

"I guess you're officially dating Bro?" Justin facing Scarlett from where he's sitting.

Scarlett cringes, "I would never expect you to call Brad Bro."

"Rather than Poopy. So are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Dating my soon to be a brother? Bradley Bowel soon to be Powers? Bradley the guy you call poopy?"

Scarlett shakes her head gently no. It was a placid relax of saying no.

"What? Why? I really thought you're going out officially. You guys are meant to be since the year that I now forgot, but we were in Paris childhood love blooming!" Nick is shocked quick glancing Scarlett.

"Don't you like Brad?"

"I think I do. But I'm not sure now. Plus my life doesn't revolve with poopy only. I want to hang out with you guys more. Especially you, Nicholas, you're going to move New York and leave me to go college." Scarlett starts to hint her sadness through her voice knowing her brother Nick is off to college.

"Oh god, stop being such a dramatic person Scar. I'm supposed to be the one who does that. That's my job." Nick makes Segway driving slowly.

"I actually want to know what happen." Justin tries to change the subject.

"He asks me to be his girlfriend and I said I'm not ready yet. He respects that and continues to say that he's going to court me. He also adds all the apologetic things he needs to be apologetic. We're good." Scarlett summarizes in monotone.




Months later

"I'm gay."


"And I used to be in love with Justin, and now I start to develop feelings with you."

"Sorry, but I really like Scarlett. But thank you that you now in trust me with your feelings."

"Are you not mad at me?"

"Well, when you use to bully Justin, yes. That's my brother. When he's at the vulnerable state you went attack him. Maybe because of your insecurities and the fact that you're hiding as well that you had once a phase with Justin. But you know what, we can still be best friends. After all, all best friends had their free fall but they go back up again. And I will be there no matter who you are. The dumb friend, the gay friend, you're still my best friend all right? Collin, I may not reciprocate your feeling romantically but that doesn't mean I don't love you. I love you, man."

Bradley and Collin then hug it out.

"Son, you to taste this pasta! I think this has to be put on our new menu." Lewis calls Justin to taste Anita's new-made pasta in the kitchen.

Justin rushes in to taste the pasta, he moans to his delight "Anita, this is heaven. I will definitely get fat."

"Good." Anita chuckles.

That's right, they made up and Justin did came to Lewis and Anita's wedding as Lewis best man.

On the phone

"I'm on my way for my audition for the new Netflix series."

"uuuuuooo, goodluck Nick!"

"Thanks, Scarlett. How are you and everything?"

"I'm good. On my way to Lewis and Anita's restaurant, I'm going on a date with Bradley. I miss you though."

"It's just been months Scarlett. Stop overreacting."

"Come on, I know you miss me too. By the way, I have found the tea."

"Tea? Are you sure I'm not talking to Justin? Kidding, what have you found?"

"The mastermind of Valentine Inc."

"Who is it?"

"It's our school principal Mr. Eros and the accomplices are the school staff... from our Janitor and canteen staff oh and even the school bus driver."

"Ah, of course, the name and everything."



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