Chapter Ten

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Scarlett made Congratulatory basket gift to Bradley.

A blue sports drink, Various French snacks he likes, a keychain that carved number 14, some famous protein bars, and a card with a picture of Ferret written CONGRATS!.

Scarlett heads with the Basket to Bradley early in the morning where she always sees Brad greeting her with some very smooth greeting. And there's Brad indeed even early before Scarlett waiting for her. He smiled at her while she approaches him giving the basket.

"I was expecting you would come but this..." Brad examines and points out the basket "Is just A+ effort."

"So tell me Bowell... when and what we're gonna do?"

Brad in a sarcastic tone, "Skipping the talking romance and went straight there huh?"

Scarlett slightly shrugs her shoulder, "I just need to know the plan ahead."

"Chill Scar, dates tomorrow, Saturday night-"

"I can't. I had plans on that date." Scarlett cuts him.

"Okay, that about 13th?"

"That I'm open."

Brad face lit up "Great so we have before Valentine's Day-"

"Wait that's before Valentine's Day?" Scarlett gives off dumb look.

"Yeah, don't worry the school is canceled-"

"I know, I'm sorry. I can't do that day either."

"Scarlett." Brad in a serious tone.

"Sorry, that's those are just the days I have to deal with another client." Scarlett apologizes with her hand gestures.

Brad at this point annoyed, "Who's the other client?"

Scarlett scoffs "Pfft. Like I would share that information, sir."

"Okay. On the last date, I guess I'm paying you for one date only... Valentine's Day."


Brad throws his hands up in disbelief "Oh my god Scarlett! Even that one?!"

"No, it's just that ismaibirdy.." Scarlett mumbles to herself. Looking down playing her feet.


Scarlett lifts her face looks at Brad shyly before she replies, "It's my birthday."

"You still celebrate your birthday?"

Scarlett was shocked by the question of Brad.

"Kidding, we're going to do it in the morning."

"But we have classes." Scarlett furrows her brows.

"Then we do it in school."

"We're not skipping class, we're not going to be late, and I'm definitely going home directly after school." Scarlett points out.

"I know, I have practice as well you know. I'm also a busy person." Brad points out as well.

"Sure. Okay."

"You know the cupid is the one who's gonna get paid, not us clients."

"Yeah so?" Scarlett snaps.

Brad stares at Scarlett at his amusement at Scarlett feisty attitude. "You know what I'm gonna date all the dates that your other client didn't filled in." Bradley then grabs Scarlett's hand and raised it together making a huge scene, "Can I have everyone's attention, please! Listen! Scarlett and I are dating!" Brad leans to whisper Scarlett's ears, "Now, the other client can't fake date you."

Scarlett's smirks like that could stop the other client  date, "Yeah sure Kavinsky."

"Should we do the backhand pocket thing?"

"Har har. I considered that sexual harassment. I'm more surprised that you watch that movie."

"There are so many things you don't know about me, Lara Jean. P.S don't you ever fall in love with me."

That's what all the students and staff can talk about, the relationship between two. They knew somehow they're something between mornings greeting banter to that vs eastside game.


So the whole day was a fiasco... Nick attacked me by lunchtime about how Brad Bowell was my first client and I took him again as a client and let him publically announced we're together. It's Friday so I am trying to finish this week and probably after this week for Valentine's Day then I 'm sure I'm done with it. I promised Nick I'm done with it or he'll tell dad. What a tattle tail ey?

EXTRA in Dialogue form (for my Japanese friend.) Cause She said it's easier to in English in this form. Hi Mika!

Bradley: "Since we can't date in much time, we should do something legally."

Scarlett: "So just hang out?"

Bradley: "Yeah something like that, why don't you ask me some questions? Like 20 questions so we can know more about each other."

Scarlett: "That's a good idea given by I have no idea what to give you except for those French snacks. I feel like we're vice versa of Peter Kavinsky and Lara Jean about Yakult."

Bradley: "I watched that part and I always thought it wasn't a Korean yogurt drink but a Japanese antibiotic drink."

Scarlett: "Same thought."

Bradley: "But thank you for the basket, you did put well into it. I'm surprised you didn't put something like a dead rat...Anything to get back at with me. Ah, I know now, you're trying to make me fall in love with you and then you're going to play me and break my heart like those movies.."

Scarlett: "What the hell, I didn't know you actually watch those movies. You literally surprise me. Also, I can't do that."

Bradley: "Make me fall in love with you?"

Scarlett: "No, the dead rat part. So, let's start the 20 questions?"

Bradley: "Favorite movie?"

Scarlett: "Currently love the Parasite."

Bradley: "Haven't seen that yet."

Scarlett: "You should. Are you half-French?"

Bradley: "My mom is half-French, that makes me one fourth."

Scarlett: "Ah, okay. You do act more like French than American to me though."

Bradley: "Really? Thanks. Why don't you hate me like you used to? You definitely thought I was a dirty man."

Scarlett: "Well you have been nice to me so, I guess I don't hate you that much anymore. Why are you being nice to me?"

Bradley: "Cause I have no reason to be a dick to you."

Scarlett: "You're such a complicated person."

Bradley: "What's your ideal romantic date?"

Scarlett: "I don't know, I haven't been in a date except with you so I guess I can't compile some evaluation what is my ideal date."

Bradley: "Ideal Scarlett. I'm sure you have seen some movies and such."

Scarlett: "Eh, they all look the same setting. My honest final answer, I don't know yet."

Bradley: "You are as complicated as I am. Favorite position?"

Scarlett: "Somewhere along the line I knew you would ask things like that."

Bradley: "What's the answer?"

Scarlett: "Centerfold? Shooter? Attacker?"

Bradley: ......

Scarlett: ....

Both burst into a laugh.

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