Chapter eighteen

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"I'm gay."

Moment of silence. Everyone went silent like dead silent...

"I'm sorry are we doing the Quiet Place challenge?"

"Well.. If Nick is gay as well then I'm fine with that. I still consider him as my son." Mr. Klein hinted looking at Lewis.

Bradley looking dumbfounded, Anita holding back her tears, Scarlett still holding Justin's hands, Justin waiting for his dad to say something, and Nick...

Nick looking at his dad for what he just had remark if he was gay. And he was touched for this Lunch time he was serenade by the school choir 'My brother's gay and that's okay' He said to himself he was lucky to have them.

"I wouldn't agree to it. Anita, let's go. Please sleep somewhere else's home."

Lewis words made everyone give a look at him.

"Lewis, that's your-" Anita tries to side Justin but was cut off.

"I don't have a son aside from Bradley from now on. I'm sorry Klein's we have to go."

With that Lewis and Anita left. Bradley stayed, Justin starts to cry mumbling 'I knew it.'

"Stay with us Justin. You are very welcome in our house." Mr Klein offers then hugs Justin.

Justin have no choice but to just nod while sobbing at Mr. Klein's arms.

Then Nick, Scarlett, and Brad joined in the hug.

"You have us Justin." Scarlett also starts to cry.


While Mr. Klein and Nick helping to set up a bed for Justin, Bradley and Scarlett was at the front porch step talking, it's time for Bradley to go home as well.

"So was that the reason why you choose Justin over me as client?" Bradley ask Scarlett to which Scarlett replied with a nod.

"And I got jealous." Bradley shakes his head in the thought of it.

"Yeah you did. You were pissed off. I still feel bad about Justin and Lewis."

"I do too, for heck that's my soon to be brother and my soon to be dad."

"And am I going to be soon to be your wife?"

Scarlett says out of nowhere that made Bradley turn at her and stare grinning at her like an idiot.

"huh." Bradley wants to confirm what he just heard.

"huh?" Scarlett acts innocently.

"Did you just say some pick up lines to me?"

"Did I?"

"You just did."


"Okayyy.. You have to go now." Scarlett pushes Bradley lightly towards his car.

Bradley jokingly acts as he surrendering putting his hands up looking down at Scarlett. Teasing her.

Before Bradley drives off, He gave something to Scarlett.

"happy birthday Scar. Please take care of my soon to be my soon to be wife."

"I will poopy."


It was their first class, Algebra Class but there was no teacher. While everyone was waiting students were doing tiktok and talking.

Bitter Collin pissed off from Friday night game match talks to Bradley,"North Gill just got lucky because they're coach was one of the player in Lakers."

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