Chapter Thirteen

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Scarlett went outside a fancy grand opening of the French-Italian Restaurant. Caily just had finished calling Collin on the phone, on her way to go back inside in cold winter night of February, she saw Scarlett in fancy clothes and jewelry.

"Oh, you're here? And I see you have dressed up like a doll but we all know no matter how you are covering yourself with those you can never hide the smell of your stinking poor loser ass. I bet you got those from Valentine's clients." Caily directly attacks Scarlett.

"I did not come here to fight with you. I came here as cupid to another cupid... I am with a client today and I pretend to be Lorena Fiscone a girl from Florida, dating Justin. I just, I just want you to go with it and help me not to pull out my cover."

"Oh, the cupid of the month need help to the cupid who's been replaced? I got that spot straight 3 years and you swoop in to it just like that." Caily scowls getting close to Scarlett's face.

"3 years? Oh wow that's pretty amazing-"

"Shut up! And you know what pisses me off huh? Is that you got Bradley as a client at your first try and then, he announced that you're his girlfriend publicly in our school!" Caily face turns into red yelling mad to Scarlett.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel pissed off. I just wanted-"

"AND YOU ARE APOLOGIZING?! WHAT A FAKE ASS! Is Brad even approved of you being a fake girlfriend to his soon to be stepbrother?" Caily frustration raising her voice wanting to crush Scarlett.

"Yeah... Caily please don't make a scene. Just let me help Justin and I swear I would try not to be the cupid of the month, I can quit after Justin." Scarlett pleads Caily.

"After Justin? No, that wouldn't be enough. I want you to quit now. Why don't we negotiate right now? I will let you keep Justin's dates and plans, keep your secrets, you can be Lerona for all I care, I will pay you what Val inc should pay you for those, I can even double it. In exchange, you quit Val Inc. and give me your client Bradley Bowell." Caily offers a bargain.

Scarletts thinking hard, she looks at Justin and Brad through the window...

She looks back at Caily crossing her arms and tapping her right foot waiting for Scarlett to answer.

"Okay, deal."


I don't know how I'm feeling. A dinner table, There's Lewis, Anita, Justin, Bradley, Caily, and me. I don't feel good, it's something I'm carrying... heavy feeling, it's with me. It wasn't from the Italian Cuisine, and it wasn't from the tight expensive ass dress nor the pieces of jewelry Justin bought.

There was a lot of interrogation about me and Justin but the view I'm watching... seated in front of me and Justin, there's Bradley and Caily (their names even rhyme and I already hated it.)

Caily's been giggling, really smiling, changed into the happiest mood I've seen. She's really beautiful and glowing right now compare when she scowls in my face like Cujo. I like her more right now. Has she been leeching off Brad? Yes. Can you see Bradley is really showing he's uncomfortable? Yep. Can you see Caily's unbothered by the situation and still gets too close from Bradley's personal space? Definitely. Why do I even care when I just had a deal with Caily about giving away Bradley as my client? I don't know.

"Bradley, can I have some of your favorite French snacks later?" Caily asks with her arms shoved against Bradley's arm.

"Uhhhm I don't have it right now." Bradley tries to brush off Caily's arm.

"No you do, I saw you earlier you had that cheese and spice flakes."

Oh dear god, that was my favorite.

"I actually umm, I actually have saved it for someone else." Brad made eye contact with me and smile. That smile gave me the last time on his game.

I feel like I'm going to pee on the spot, why Brad? I should be avoiding him. Damn these things happen to make me feel guilty that I just give him away like an object when I told him not to do it on me.

"Oh, who is it for?" Caily looks at me and him pretty annoyed.

"This girl in my school."

Don't do it, Bradley Bowell. My hands start to sweat and at the corner of my eye, I see Justin smiling as he tasting the hot soup in his spoon slowly. This bitch couldn't be more low key.

"Ohhhh, who could that girl be?" Anita in amusement she asks,

"Her name's Scarlett. We're like dating but we're not."

I chocked right and there... again... but no cinnamon.

"Are you okay dear?" Lewis asks

Everyone's concerned by my sudden almost near to death experience and a loud cough except for Caily. I can also see Justin holding back a laugh.

"Uh yeah sorry, this soup was hot so I surprisingly burnt my tongue. I'm fine sorry. Can I be excused I need to use the bathroom." I excuse myself in the bathroom..

After Scarlett excuse herself in the bathroom, Caily follows her in the bathroom.

Leaves the soon to be the family continuing the conversation.

"So Scarlett? What's her last name?" Lewis asks while eating his main course.


Anita reacts by pondering "Scarlett Klein.. Sounds familiar. Don't they honey?" She asks Lewis.

"Nope, maybe you knew them before you met me? Maybe in France?" Lewis furrows his brows at Anita trying to suggest her.

"By any chance, she has a brother named, Nick?" Anita drops a name that made Justin and Bradley intensely hear what Anita has to say.

"Yeah, why?"

Anita face lits up, she has eureka a memory, "Right, you don't remember? Well, you're still a kid so you probably don't. We all went to watch Amanda's son Nick play in France. You were like 7 years old at that time and you used to like this girl Nick's sister and you share your French snacks with her, I believe she's your first love...She could be her and fate has brought you together. We didn't hear anything from them after we watched the play." She tries to speak from what she remembered.

"My first love is Scarlett?... My first love IS Scarlett.." Bradley realizes something he sure of. His first love is Scarlett and she is still the one he loves.

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