Chapter Seven

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Lunch came, Justin was busy talking to the lunch ladies about something that has to do with Michelle Obama and nutrients distribution. This happens in the kitchen, which confuses some lunch ladies and chefs of what Scarlett could be there for. Scarlett pokes at the back of the shoulder of Justin. Justin turns around to see Scarlett holding a confession love letter. It was really decorated with stickers, doodles, glitters, yarn, and any other 7th grade will use. Justin Powers knows what happens, as soon as he saw the letter. He smiled at Scarlett for he knows, she is accepting him to be the cupid.

"Justin Powers..." Scarlett dramatically bows and hands the letter, "suki-ay-suki-aytaykuda-say?" Scarlett struggling to get the pronunciation right practicing for a perfect confession to Justin. The kitchen made a noise from the staff supporting Scarlett.

"Thanks Scarlett. I will indeed accept your offer. I will date you." Justin takes the letter off Scarlett's hands and hugs her. "I did research, and you like Japanese high school anime so I thought I would do it." Scarlett hugs back and noted to give the explanation of the stunt she pulled. "Well I'm glad you did it in here and not at the in front of students," Justin whispers. "Who's  the show for then?" Scarlett whispers back her question. The lunch lady who was talking to Justin cleared her throat that breaks the hug, "Right, can I talk to you later? Just go ahead and eat somewhere, I'll be there before lunch is over."

"Yeah sure, I'll be right over the table near to the 'Go West Wild Ferret' banner." Scarlett exits from the kitchen patted her back. "Nailed it."


I was halfway from my microwave heated cinnamon bun. My iced coffee is actually way more ice than coffee so.. If you say only4 cups of coffee a day, and you give me an iced coffee that is actually just filled with ice...You definitely just expect me to drink just 4 cups a day? You make me laugh about health issues.

"Hey." Justin Powers came with the healthiest lunch out of all the students in the cafeteria. "Hey" I greet back. He's probably going to discuss the situation of me pretending to be his girlfriend I mean his fake girlfriend. I took the last chunk of my cinnamon bun-

"I'm gay." Justin went straight I mean straightforward.. Stop making jokes inside your head Scarlett. You're chocking with the cinnamon bun you're eating.

Is there something going on between cinnamon foods and me? Because I choke every time I- No. This is not the right time to even think about nonsense.

"So? You just hire me to get that out of the chest? Or you're supposed to um, I don't know and I'm not judging you.. Hire a fake boyfriend and mistakenly got me?" I am sure trying hard to act normal cause I don't know how to talk to friends like this kind of situation.

I have been in social group support and stuff but I can't even handle this one properly. Great waste of time Scarlett you're trash.

"I actually want you to keep it as a secret, I haven't told anyone yet. The reason why I hired you is to cover up the things that made my dad suspicious. Last time, My dad found the Love Simon and the Call Me By Your Name books I hid under my bed. I just need to cover up so I said it my girlfriend was an LGBTQ pride supporter who wants me to be actively supporting. I want you to be my fake girlfriend just for my family. Just family dates and family business occasions."

"One, you are any pride supporter and very activist to anything so saying somebody wants you to be something is just eh. Two, why under the bed man? You could blend it with other novel books you have and made it like your English literature reading homework. Three-

"Three, you have already accepted the offer, please just do this for me?" Cutting me off from my 5 reasons but it just annoyed him.

"Well to be honest though, I'm a fuckin bad liar but I'll give it a try. Now tell me what are the dates of these occasions are." Given

Justin takes out a planner notebook out of his bag, and reads some events for me to fill in, "This Saturday night, my dad is having a celebration about opening a new branch of Italian restaurant downtown and announced his new engagement to his business partner, but we can hang out for the whole Saturday like study dates-Don't roll your eyes at me, miss. Also before Valentine's Day...which is my nana's birthday and we're having a barbecue picnic. Don't worry, school is canceled on that day."

"Wow. You are indeed very organized person. I'm sorry but did you expect me to memorize all that?"

Then Justin's turn rolls his eyes at me, "I'll just text you. Can I have your number?"

"Yeah sure." I took my phone. And we exchange numbers.

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