Chapter Eight

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A note.. another note.. I open it with caution with Harper at my side locker,


Dear Miss

You have been voted as the most charming cupid of February.

As a congrats gift, we have given you a self-care package and a gift card of Amazon and Starbucks...

PS; we don't do promotions in Val Inc.

Next client: Bradley Bowell.

Fake date

If accepts, give him a congratulatory gift for winning. You have 24 hours for giving him a congratulatory gift.

-Val Inc.

Wait, I just had 2 clients. What? All I need was 2 clients to get this far?

I am so confused. I can't be the only cupid who also laughed about his kind of note.

'We don't do promotions in Valentines Inc.' weirdly I read that in the principal's voice.

Also, can we talk about getting Bradley Bowell again? I kinda do think last time wasn't really like a date? I mean it did go wrong for a little but it was my fault to not give a heads up to what I was diving for. I should be fine with it.

Here's what I know about him from last time, he likes French snacks.

He um.. Wait for the jersey that I was wearing who was it from? Was it from cause it's sitting at my home? I thought it would be like a souvenir or as a remembrance for the first client...

Why am I thinking hard about it? I used to what I believe I used to say... abhor him. I could just give him a card like any congratulations I would do... Is there like a store that sells imported snacks and food near here? I checked my phone... Yep, just 10 minutes' drive from here, I could just ask my brother Nick to take me. I don't see Nick at school really. Seniors have too much stuff to do because they're graduates but I would ask him later after school.

"Hey, Scarlett.." I turn around to see a mad Caily on her way to me with two of her gossip girls. Right before I know she snatches the letter of my hands. She scoffs while I'm trying to speak but stammer "Hey- hey there- Caily. How's- how's you- been-? Is everything alright?" she's scary with nose flared and a scoff came out, "I knew it! This is so not fair! Why would you be the most charming Cupid of this month?! And Bradley Bowell?! You don't deserve a pending request from Bradley Bowell! Why would he wants you to be his cupid?!"

"I don't- I don't know really.." I honestly answered.

Caily mocked me with my stammering. She then gives me death glare the same as her two-tailed gossip girls who give me you're going to die gestures. "That's it. Girls, we got to pull a meeting. Call Collin I got to talk to him." She then smirks and laughs with her two girls who are about to give me off a vibe like they made a really bad evil plan. They walked away and that's the only time I could move on from my spot. "What the hell as that about?" I whisper under my breath before I could take out books for my next classes.

"You okay?" Harper chimes in obviously saw what the hell was happening.

"Uh yeah, that was just a spur of the immature moment," I replied adjusting the sling of my bag.

"You are a cupid aren't you? I heard Caily that you're the most charming cupid of February. Congrats. Wait the Brad Bowell, was he one of your clients?" Harper looks like she knows about it.

I nod, "Yeah... He was actually the first client. You seem like you know it about well where you one of the cupid?"

"Nope, I was one of the clients. Your brother didn't tell you anything? I thought you guys tell each other everything."

"Wait, he's a cupid?"


"What!? Why? What happened?" I yelled that made Harper's shush me. She gestures me to move in closer to her. What's the tea?

"I was his last client. He quit after I made him as a fake boyfriend to make my ex-husband jealous. It was supposed to be just for a month and we fought on the last day of our fake relationship...We didn't talk much after that. We came back as like we're strangers basically. If he didn't tell you about it, how did you discover the Val Inc." Harper walks just the same phase as me going to our class whilst we're talking about it.

"Somehow I got invited. Like a discount coupon as a client."

"Ah, same as me then. Have you found out who made Val Inc.?" Harper asks as we turn on the corner.

"Nope. I don't mind really. Have you?" I ask back.

"Nope. But I know it's they and has been looking at us hard. They're giving it discreetly and knowing if someone's in trouble in love life or knowing that a person is single for long. Sounds like high profile stalker." Harper made a point.

"Should we investigate? I don't want any trouble really, I like the pay and it's nice to get gift cards. It's probably illegal, but it's nice an Inc." I just wonder, I mean I'm good with the situation right now.

Harper nods, "It really is. But sooner or later the truth will be out and chaos happens. I bet our head of the school, Mr. Hitch will kick people out and banned a lot of stuff. Which is fair. People will somehow pay the price." The wisdom she adds.

"That's the reason we should keep the important rules of Val. Inc. keep it secret. They have big money and they have been watching us."

"Yes. About your brother Nick, I hope he's okay now given by what happened to us."

"I knew there's something about you and him. But the question has been answered and I'm okay. He's okay."

"Okay, cool. Oh, one last question."

"What is it?"

"Are you gonna date Bradley Bowell AGAIN?" Harper emphasizing again

"Yeah?I guess I'm going to."

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