Chapter Twelve

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At the party, where people where mostly adults. Business people talking left and right, waitress and waiters carrying a tray with one hand, Italian music, and Italian cuisine smell scatters the room.

"Dad, mommy Anita, and Brad, this is Lorena, my girlfriend." Justin introduces Scarlett to his dad and soon to be family as Lorena.

"Ohhh Lorena is it?" Brad playing along with question while looking at Justin's hand at Scarlett's or Lorena's waist.

"Uh-huh. Yes. Lorena Fiscone. Nice to meet you." Scarlett eyeing Brad offer him a handshake.

Brad shakes hands with Scarlett, "Nice to meet you... I feel like I have seen you before."

Bradley sure seems to have fun interrogating the life of Lorena Fiscone.

"No, you haven't. She just moved here from Florida." Justin snarls at Brad.

Brad nods, "I see. How did you two meet then?" Brad innocently smiles but seems like really having fun inside.

"Tinder," Justin answers in a snap.

Scarlett coughs take a breath and give a fake smile "yes, tinder."

Justin Dad's then chimes with a chuckle, "Whatever you guys are into these days. I'm Justin's dad, call me Lewis this is my fiancé Anita." Justin's dad shakes Scarlett's hand after Brad.

Then Anita introduces herself, "Well we're supposed to announce that later honey, well I'm Anita. I'm Justin's stepmom. Call me Ann".

Scarlett smiles giving them both handshakes, "Well congratulation to both of you...Lewis and Ann. It's nice to meet you both."

"Nice to meet you as well Lorena." Justin's dad gives her a warmest charming smile then turns to Justin continues to speak, "Justin, why don't you guys go and have fun at the party, Anita and I have to talk some of our partners."

"Yeah sure, dad."

"Excuse us." Justin's dad and Anita excuse themselves to go to talk to their business partners.

As soon as Lewis and Anita are gone Bradley began to quote out of Justin and Scarlett's words, "Lorena Fiscone? Really? You guys sucked pretending to be in a relationship." Bradley criticizes.

"Um I'm sorry but we only had half of the day to work out backstory and shit." Justin implied sarcastically apologizing.

"Out of all the cupid you could choose, why Scar-" Scarlett shush Bradley looking around. Bradley rolls his eyes, "Why did you choose Lorena?"

"Cause she's the only one who has that bedazzle charismatic aura. She gives me Miss Jessica Day vibe." Justin explains with hand gestures.

Scarlett's eyes shining "Really? aweee thanks, Justin. I actually want to be a teacher someday so that's nice of you." Scarlett flattered by Justin's words.

Bradley looks both of them with mouth open "You know what, whatever. You two go and ahead pretend. When we're at school, Scarlett, not Lorena, and I are dating."

"Aye, Aye, captain. But just be clear, I'm not really yours nor I should be treated as a pet." Scarlett retorts.

"I can't believe you two. Really immature. Also, I'm not saying I agree on things that you guys are doing tonight." Bradley stressed face objecting to the play Justin and Scarlett have been playing. Bradley ends the conversation leaving the two high fiving.


I try not to be bothered by the fact my future stepbrother and Scarlett or Lorena are pulling stunts like this. Well... it was amusing to tease them but at the end come to think of it, not knowing what it is for? It seems so troublesome. But can we talk about how Scar really fucking killed me tonight with how she looks? Shit. She can pull off any clothing and still makes me an animal.

She really thinks that I hate her because I bully her and do some douche moves in front of her but that's not really the situation. I like her. I like her even before I didn't bully her but she didn't notice me. Collin told me that you can get attention by teasing someone so that's what I did to Scar, and it worked for me.

People think I've been pulling huge pranks and disrespecting people but my name is just part of it. Collin does do some dirty works given he isn't really that smart but he is my brother, I made a promise to stay with his shit. Ride or die bad boys.

A hug from surprised me waking me up from my thoughts I look who it is... Shit.

"Ohhh, Caily. I didn't know you're coming." I sound fake as hell. Talk about the timing and those two buttheads plan.

"It's Anita's big announcement day! of course, the whole Trainor must come! Collin wants to come for you and your mom... but you know he doesn't like to see Justin..." Caily clinging on me still hugging. I think she's pretending to be drunk. She's exaggerating. It's not like I'm surprised by it.

I try to look for Scar and Justin if they're still on the spot where we last talked. Yep, those two buttheads are having the time of their life with their lies while I'm here saving their butts,"Ah I see, tell him it's the thought that counts." I tried to cover Justin and Scarlett from Caily's view.

"I will.... Oh, I know! I'm going to text him." Caily takes her phone from her Prada's purse.

Holding Caily's shoulders dragging her outside the restaurant, "You know what, let's call him outside of the restaurant." Why am I even helping those two?

"What why?" Caily's face mixed with surprise and confuse letting me dragging her, going with the flow with her uneven walk struggling with her heels.

"Let's just go."


"BRO, LEROY!" Brad calling our attention in coming towards us sweating.

"It's Lerona." I correct him.

"Whatever. Important. Calamity. Caily over. Outside." He points outside and there's Caily. Our eyes widened. Huh. Justin definitely didn't say anything about Caily. Is Collin here too?

"I thought only the Trainor parents will be here?" Justin's face seems in trouble questioning. I guess he didn't know she's coming. We're all screwed.

"Well if that's not the twin's mom then that's definitely Caily." Brad talks louder than before pointing at Caily tries to point out the fact. Justin argues with Bradley debating about whose fault to make fake names and fake girlfriend and situation over situations...

Caily is a cupid, right? Then she would get me.

"Uhm guys, I have an idea..." I queried that made both of them stop arguing and looked at me.

"Just let me talk to Caily first privately, alone."

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