Chapter Sixteen

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Bradley puts down Scarlett in a janitor closet door locking them both. His face turns red, furious. "You think you can make me jealous with all the stunt you pull with my brother?"

" Um- Brad, I'm going to be late-"

"Well I don't fuckin care. You know what, I hate to act like this but shit. You just know how to make me so mad. You think you can flaunt like that stunt in the hallway with Justin laughin and joking around wearing the dress he gave you? Are you trying to make me jealous cause you fuckin right I am jealous. I am jealous of the guy who I always treated as bro. Scarlett, please don't fucking say goodbye and leave me like this. That's not fucking fair...That's just not.." Bradley brushed his hair, bit his lower lip.

"That's the reason? Really Brad? You're funny. Okay, first of all, We Are Not Together. Even back we both know that was just a show. This school won't give a shit if they find out that we dated for a while because really, you have that kind of reputation. Second, you have no right to kidnap me in my class. I have gone through a lot today just not to be late. Lastly, I'm gonna use my 'it's my birthday' card. Please give me peace already for my birthday wish."

"Why can't I be your client anymore? Why Justin? Why did you change the last minute? It's Caily isn't it? She must have done something. The talk back in the restaurant, and out of Cupids that substitute you it was Caily.""

"Leave them out of this Brad. I choose Justin because I wanted to. Caily became the substitute because she's one of the best cupid there is. That's the explanation. Don't even go there and think too much out of this."

"Let me date you."


"Late me date you for real this time Scarlett. No fake show, for real." Bradley's voice shows sincerity and seriously mean it.

Scarlett furrows her brows, "YOU is CRAY CRAY"

Brad chuckles before saying the corniest reply,"Crazy for you."

"I have no time for this nonsense crazy-ass corny talk. Excuse me" Scarlett tries to get out the Janitor closet. The author really felt the claustrophobic of this scene.

"I won't let you walk out. Not until you say yes to the date."

"Not even if I said 'it's my birthday?"

Bradley shakes his head no.

"Okay, fine. Let's go out on a real date."

"Later then on my game."

"Hell no, I celebrate it with my family."

"It will finish before 11."

"How did you know it's my curfew."

"Nick your brother, we talked."

"When did you guys become closed?"

"Oh, there's way much history you don't remember Scar."

"Sure poopy. Just text me the date details."

"There she is. Side note, Bowell will be changed soon to Powers so the nickname won't work for long. " Bradley then unlock the door opening the door for Scar. Letting her go.

Before Scarlett goes away. She turns to Brad, "You didn't ask my number. How can you text me?"

"I already have and I already did. VIP bench in North Gliddeons High later? I have a game today."

"So it was you."


Finally, I can now eat my cake in peace! Recess saves me. I sat down with some of my club mates. We're talking about some stuff like things we didn't understand in the lesson and their crushes, then went to the thing going on about me and Bradley Bowell and Justin Powers and then the announcement on how they're going to be soon powerful brother duo.

Normal stuff? I guess. Well, they questioned why I am all dressed up when most of the days I don't really like wearing dress and all that. I didn't tell it's my birthday but I said it's Valentine 's Day so yeah. I did regret saying that It's for Valentines' Day cause you can celebrate any time, you can celebrate love and stuff on other days as well. This day isn't supposed to be a big day. I should hate its occasion.

There was a lot of singing cheesy songs and flash mobs but all that is normal.

Look at me, I was supposed to hate Valentines' Day. Ehhh.

What's terrible about admitting that it's my birthday?

And then just like the universe is listening making fun at me,

A group of choir came.

"For Scarlett Klein from your brother Nick. He wanted to say, 'Happy ValenBirthday. And he said he's going to do it cause it's his last year to be at the same school as you."

Yowh Yowh Yowh shawty it' you're birthday.

I facepalm way to embarrass me. Way to go Nick. People looking at me. You know what, I gotta give him his own taste.... For my hair and this scene.

Things in class happen like the other class days...This is why I questioned myself I thought you're good at walking away through that Valentines' Inc. and now you want it back cause you're bored with this life?

WOW Scarlett I'm talking to myself going crazy.

Remember you have a date today, it's your birthday celebration later, then you have shopping date with Justin tomorrow? What do you mean mundane? Huh?

Yep I'm crazy arguing and talking to myself.


I sat down in the VIP bench they called. I took the jersey that I wore last time.

Some kids are confused even if Bradley and I are still dating or not. Definitely that's how you know either they go to our school or to North Gliddeon High.

They don't really have the same like carnival and food truck as the East Side but, the field is larger. What does our school have?

"Ah, Klein. I guess this time Nick knows why you're here" Harper greets at the same VIP bench seat near the field. Looking at me wearing the jersey over the dress.

"Yeah hi."

"I have heard that it's your birthday today. Happy Birthday."

"Awwe thanks Harper. Does the game starts at 7pm again?"


"Hey Scar, come down. I'll borrow her first Haper."


I then come down to see Brad admiring me wearing his Jersey.

"Good thing I haven't taken back that Jersey yet."

"You didn't say you want it back."

"That's why I said good thing. Remember our first date was also like this."

"Actually that didn't really count as date."

"Well to us athlete, that's not the case."


"Well I'm gonna take you somewhere after this. Don't worry we'll be back before 11."

"Okay, goodluck on your game."

"Well don't you think I deserve some of that kiss? For good game motivation."

"It's my birthday poopy. Wouldn't be such a shame if you waste my time to see you lose?"

"You really know how to heat me up Scar." Bradley give me that look and goes near into me which intimidates me. I took a step back.

"There you go again with that move and smooth talk." I point out.

"What move and talk." He furrows his brows but smirking. He definitely knows what his doing.

"The move I call Bowel movement."

He rolled his eyes, "You really know how to ruin the moment."

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