Chapter nineteen

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The stuff happened over the weekend.

SHOPPING and DATE scene.

"Let's go shopping MY TREAT!" Scarlett announces showing Justin the Valentine Inc envelope.

"Sorry I have to be a burden for you right now." Justin apologizes.

"No it's okay. Should we call Brad? Ask him to take us or Nick? My brother or your brother?"

Nick hears his name,"I can take you guys...only if you allow me to steer the wheel faster."

"Try Brad." Justin suggests directly hinting that they would look crazy if they ever have asked him to drive.

Scarlett nods, "good idea."

Scarlett calls Brad.

"Helllooo Scar. How was your birthday? How's my brother?" Brad's voice over the phone

"Hello Poopy, my birthday was the best I had except for the ending part and you lose the game. Your brother is okay, we actually want to ask you something. Wait I'll put you in speaker so Justin can hear you."

"What is it? And Hi bro."

"Can you take us to the downtown mall?

"Yeah sure, but I'm still at the practice.. You know, coach.. He had to give us some extra work to get back from our lost last game. Can you guys wait?"

"What time will he be here?" Justin ask whispering.

"What time will you be here?" Scarlett repeats talking to the phone.

"Maybe like 2 hours?"

Justin nods, "We can manage. We still need to change anyways."

"We're okay with that."

"See you then."

"See you then.Bye..." Scarlett hangs up the phone call.


Justin smirks at Scarlett.

Scarlett gives him a perplexed look,"What are you thinking?"

"Huh?" Justin acts innocently.

"You look like you some evil plan at the back of your mind."

"It's not an evil plan."

"Then what are you thinking then."

"I'm thinking 'makeover'" Justin emphasizing the word in the air.

Scarlett rolls her eyes, "What for?"

"Duh, for my bro. You will be breathtaking. He won't be able to focus on other things." Justin teased Scarlett.

"That's a terrible idea. He is going to drive, that would be dangerous. Safety first Justin. So I say, let me be looking like this then." Scarlett remarks with a shy tone thinking about if she can seduce him.

"You're such a bummer. Movie pooper." Justin whines.

"That's Brad."

"And you're infected by it. Please Scar....Come on, don't act like you don't actually wanna impress my brother."

"Awwwee you called Brad your brother.Bromaance"

"Stop changing the topic."

"Okay fine, don't overdo it or he'll know."

Justin crossed his legs and delicately touch Scarlett's hair, "Of course darling, LET's Go."

Scarlett and Justin ready for their hang out date.

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