Chapter Six

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I was supposed to be happy that it's all done and I just get to eat ice cream at the end of the day but I was wrong. So wrong. Bradley out of his jersey. Came to the ice cream truck.

"So, shall we continue it with a proper date?" Bradley asks shamelessly in front of my brother Nick. He just barges in like that.

Nicks furrows his brows handing me my ice cream, "what date?"

"We're on a date? Isn't the reason why she's watching my game?" Bradley mirroring Nicks expression. I froze looking dumb with their conversation filled with uncertain what is happening.

"I thought it was for school activities. Harper even said so,"

"What? No, Harper-"

Two heads turns into me and four eyes looking at me waiting for an explanation. I think I just made a weird noise and blames it to my brain freeze.

"Okay real explanation." I look to Nick, "Nick, my loving brother who would understand me cause he loves me so much. I'm actually here as Brad's plus one in his game." Then I look at Brad "Bradley, my date? I actually have been honest to my brother as you being my date because as you see.." I then look back to Nick. "He gets over reacting over a kiss on the cheek. And I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I even let Harper get on my side." Nick looks at me with a scary eyes, "we're going to talk about this later when we get home."

"Ohhhh, you guys are siblings. I get it now." I give Brad death glare knowing it's not the right timing. Brad scratch his head "I'm so sorry, we can finish the date here. I think family fights are more important." Brad then offers a hand shake to Nick "I apologize, I thought you're just a senior who likes Scarlett. I'm Bradley Bowell. You can call me Brad...sir." In so many levels this situation is so not right.

For the first 10 minutes of the car ride, it was really silent. Until Nick looks at me mad serious "Why didn't you just tell me that you're going out with Bowell.. And out of all the person that you could have dated why him? He's Bradley Bowell. I did not expect this from you."

"It's just one date Nick. That's all nothing serious."

"If it's not that serious you could have told me. We've been telling each other everything since kids and you just go and change that over a guy who has stinking last name." Nick tensed up trying to focus on his driving. This is one of the biggest reason why car accidents happen to couple who quarrels. This is probably going to be our first big fight. I don't like it already.

"You know well that that doesn't apply to everything. If it's serious or not you could have gone mad either ways. You're my brother, I know you and I just don't want you get worry about small stuff that didn't matter." Stating the fact that makes Nick stay silent in a seconds.

"I'm still mad at you." The greatest comeback of all Nick could give.

"I know. I still feel guilty."

"Good. Next time just say it. Don't make up stories." I know Nick trying to fix it as early as we get home.

"I promise next time. Also, speaking of telling each other since kids... What is really going on between you and Harper?" Open up something that I regret after asking. I shouldn't start it this way.

"I can't. I promise Harper not to say anything to just anyone."

"But I'm not just anyone."

"Ask Harper." He looks made a turn just a few blocks more to our house

"I'm sure she has a different story from you and you know I believe your side cause you're my brother." It's true, as long as the story looks good for my brother. I believe it.

He smiled and parked the car. Before we got in the house at door step Nick apologizes, "Sorry I ruined the date."

I slept just fine this evening. Sure it was all anxiety to chaos at first but at the end of the day, some characteristic build. I knew my brother is considerate and I know I'm lucky to have a brother who understands the fundamental of my crazy stupid ass. Ohhhh would I get payed today? I ate good food yesterday, sleep without leaving arguments with my brother, and finished the date. It's probably going to be a good week.

I came to school and went straight ahead in my locker, was I expecting about the payment? Yes. And then another attachment letter on the note.

Next client Justin Powers.

Wants a fake girlfriend

If accept please give a confession love letter to Justin Powers. You have 12 hours to give the love letter to Justin Powers.

Justin Powers? He's like the untouchable of this campus. Why would he ask for Valentine Inc. for a fake girlfriend? Make a love letter huh? Got it within 12 hours.

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