Chapter Five

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I feel stupid. That's how I feel coming to the East Side football field benches trying to figure out where I should seat or what to do. The coordinator of the game told me to sit anywhere unless if I was one of the players close ones cause then I can get to sit in this special front row kind of VIP seats. Eastside is a private school so no joke about everything I've seen in this faculty. I'm just not sure if I should seat in this common area, Bradley did tell me to come before the game start and as I look around, there's like few people came already. Is that food booths I see over there? No, wonder I smell some popcorn and churros. I should get some later.

"Scarlett! Over here! What are you doing over there?!" I saw Harper at the VIP row waving at me. I knew Harper in some social group activities I joined. Harper is known as the mom among all of the students. She's also older than all of us, she's 25 but we all love her. She went to high school late because she didn't have the money and time to get into high school in her teen years. Long story short, she's a cool school mate to have around. We're on the same grade level but she's really smarter than everyone else. Very wisdom and even beats off Justin Powers. She just doesn't run as anything because she always declines it but, she helps us student and teachers like she actually really care. Some people are like that, they don't need the labels, and they just want to do it for the community. Humble as shit. I don't know if it's true or not but my brother Nick, and her had something back then.

"I'm looking where to seat?!" Replying Harper with isn't it obvious duh tone.

"You were supposed to be in the VIP section mam!" We both screaming back and forth to hear each other from VIP row and (the up normal row?). Harper then gestures me to come and calls the coordinator to arrange me in the front row. This school y'all fancy. Are we watching the NFL? I came beside Harper.

Harper then passes me a cloth I examine it, it's a jersey that says Bowell with the number 14.

I don't know, I don't like that last name. "Wear it. Oh also, there's some good snacks and drinks over those booths over there. You can buy something before the game starts." I followed her instructions to wear the jersey over my sweater and excuse myself to buy something in the booth.

Wahh the smell of cinnamon swept me. Dinner is a-ha. Yes, that would describe my excitement towards eating good food. Dad is going to work late and Nick asked me where I'm going, I told him at Harper's doing some activities which are not a part true and not falsely a lie. Nick didn't ask further questions as I brought up Harper's name. He told me just to have fun. I really wanna know the relationship between these two. I line up in popcorn and churros booth after this, I would head for the ice cream truck. In times like this, I wish I had more than three hands. "What would like miss?" The young fine ass vendor wearing east side jersey ask as it's my time to order. The vendor smell so good- I mean the food the thing that he sells. "M sized popcorn, one cinnamon plain churros, and one tall size iced coffee." He then nods and takes my order. I did expect the food and beverage here would be quite expensive given by the displayed price but as I taste the food. Good god, it is hella good. Food good mood. I decide to come back for the ice cream later. Maybe after the game. Should I buy something for Harper? I don't know what Harper would like. Eh, I should ask her if she wants something before I excuse myself. I came back quickly in my seat.

"I just saw your brother." The first thing Harper said after I just seated down.

I chocked on my cinnamon churros. I swallowed it down and take a sip of my coffee

"What!?" I almost loudly yelled at Harper

"Yeah, I was shocked too that he was here. Maybe he was just trying to look out for you. Given by it's your date with Brad."

"Oh no. no. no." I panic, look left and right trying to for Nick if he's insight.

"Why what's wrong?" Harper asks in concern.

"I didn't tell Nick about the date. I also actually used you as an excuse I'm sorry. I told Nick that I'm going to your place cause we have some school activities." I explained harper really fast and still in a panic tone. She laughs, "relax, don't worry. Just tell him that I somehow I tricked you that this school activity has to do with this school game vs east high. I'm part of the school newspaper so just say our activity has to do with reports over school sports. Why did you have to lie about being Brad's plus one? I mean you too are on the date. I'm sure Nick understands that you're growing up already."

"Because I'm not really-

Oiii, remember Scarlett that you can't say anything about. Plus that would be more complicated to explain.

"Because it's our first date. Anything could go wrong right? I don't want Nick to worry about it. Thank you for sticking up with me though. That was a good excuse plot." I make it up whatever falls in my mouth. You fuckin Liar Scarlett, should I be like in a play? Scarlett's letter could be a fit. I can feel the letter A forming somewhere.

"Ah, okay, I understand. Wait, so if he isn't here looking out for you... Why is he here?" Harper asks something like I would know the answer. I ask the same thing. Am I Nick? Nope. But possible he founds out the truth and here to give me one of his ceremonies.

"Idon't know. Should we invite him over here? That would be awkward wouldn't it?"I have no idea what to do anymore. This time I just hope Nick didn't exist inthis place.

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