Chapter fifteen

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"You know Lorena seems to look familiar when you look at her longer." Anita whispers to his son Bradley, "You like her as well don't you? Well, the love of your life Scarlett might get jealous." Anita teases. Both looking at Scarlett talking to Nana with Justin.

Bradley Scoffs, "I don't wanna be a homewrecker mom. You should know that especially given by my really good dad."

"Carl is still your dad. No matter how he did wrong to us you shouldn't hold a grudge on him. Look at me, I'm happy. And I found someone better."

"Congrats to you. I'm happy you're happy." Bradley raised his cup to his mom and for his mom."

"Thank you, son. So are you okay with changing your last name Bowell to Powers?"

"Are you kidding me? That's the best part actually." Bradley's face lit up.

"I wonder how are the Kleins?."

"They should be doing fine." Bradley then adds mumbling to himself, "by the look from it here.."



"Happy birthday to you, happy Valentines day too, Happy Valenbirthday dear Scarlett..."

Scarlet wakes up by the barged chant from her brother and dad.

She smiled and closed her eyes to wish. As she blows her candle her phone vibrates.

An email from;


We are glad you were part of this Inc. as the highest-ranking for cupid. We also heard the contract between cupid Caily and you. The transaction has been finished. We also heard that Justin Powers will be your last client. You Are Welcome to Comeback again Anytime. As a Farewell gift, we want to give you a special offer from us Valentine's Inc.

You'll be receiving it tomorrow together with your salary from Justin Powers's date.

Once again Happy Valentines Day from Valentines Inc.

And we are grateful and honored to have you as our Cupid.

Oh great, now all the problems that aren't school-related are done. I won't deal with these things makes me breathe... Anxiety did. Birthday is another thing to celebrate...

*beep beep

A text from an unknown number

North gliddeons high 6pm. VIP bench. After School.

I'll wait.

Maybe I assumed that this is Bradley. So what? Fine, I admit I have somewhere deep down where I hope this is him. If it's not then don't talk to stranger kids. Or wrong number.

Also, it's Friday so that means there's still school. I can't go to miss school it's because it's my birthday! I got to get my salary from Justin Powers' date and the gift. So much celebration and blessings for today. The school will be fine really it will be over right before I know it.

"Hey you, stop daydreaming and start preparing for your school. Nick will take you to school." Dad snaps me back into reality.

I didn't waste my birthday time and wore my favorite casual wear which Justin gave it to me yesterday and also wore his gift cause why not, and put on some music.

Go shawty it's your birthday, we gonna party like it's your birdaay.

"Scarrr if we're both gonna be late please don't use your 'it's my birthday' card. Please hurry up."

"I'm coming down geez bro."

As I come down, my dad hands me a lunch box which made me furrow my brow.

"It's a 3 slice of cake. Bring at school since you no time for breakfast."

"Ah, cake for breakfast. Thanks dad." I put the lunch box inside my bag to head out. I see Nick inside the car gesturing me to get in fast.

"Don't forget! Come home before 11 pm! We'll celebrate your birthday!"Dad yells in the driveway.

"Aye aye captain!" I replied as I get into the car.

I turn to Nick adjusting my seat and put on the seatbelt, "I'm sorry I got lost into the music."

Nick grinned to me and turns the music the birthday music again on the stereo. I know that look from Nick. It's that look where he goes wild in the steering wheel.


I whine, "No, don't do it. I just did my hair! And I want to eat the cake here."

Nick adjust the PRNDL. Yep, he's doing it...shit.

"You look like you got a birthday to blow out right into your hair.." Justin pointing out the hair mess.

"I know, it ruined pairing your gift." I showed him my ring and outfit.

"My gift actually makes you look better. Come with me I'll fix your hair."

That made me really hopeful, I can be fashionably late. "Really? You'll do that for me?"

"Yeah, it's your birthday and we're best friends."

Aww He said we're best friends.

"Yay! You know, I can pretend to be your date even without you paying me."

Justin's face turns into disgust when I said date. "Ew shut up. Or I won't be fixing your hair."

"Kidding, let's go!" I drag Justin. Then I remember my salary and the farewell gift which I paused and drag Justin in my locker.

"Um, I can't fix your hair in public."

"Oh, um. I actually have get...." I start to unlock my locker

"What is it? Your books?"

"No.. it's..tada..." I showed him the envelope...Wait just an envelope? No like a big box of farewell gift? I look inside the envelope...wooooh money.

"You're welcome." Justin grinning knowing where the money came from.

"Um..Shopping tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday, so we could hang out like the last time?"

"Game. I'll finish all my student council work today. So I can't hang out with you on your birthday sorry." Justin gives an apologetic face scratching his head.

"That's fine. We'll be hanging out on Saturday anyways. Fix my hair first?"


After Justin fixing my hair in a cute braid, we both went to part ways to get in our class. I thought I was late but when I came in, I wasn't late, The teacher is.

I take my seat then thinking of eating the cake now or later at the cafeteria.


The door in our class bangs hard there he is sweating wearing his jersey looking at me...He then grabs and tackles me. Carrying in his shoulders.

"Bradley!" I squealed.

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