Chapter Four

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I sent an email yesterday saying I'm applying. And I never get an email back which was making me anxious. I did something stupid and I can't now erase that history of me. I don't feel like coming to school showing up my face possibly the Valentine Inc. thing was a prank that Caily made and now I may show up as a clown.

But here I am, forcing, dragging my feet on my way to the locker to get my book to start my class and no one is actually laughing at me or whispers. This confuses me more than anything. They all greet me like just like any other day in school.

And there goes Bradley Bowell with his stupid smile greeting me. I'm sure he's going to add some stupid banter again early in the morning.

"Hey Scarlett, meet me at lunchtime. I'll give you the time and place for our date later." He then walks past by me and fades. I turn my head in his way, stop in what was I actually have been doing.





Did that stinking last name person called me Scarlett for the first time?

Wait did he just said date? Our date? Wait did he just asked me to meet him later? Recess? What the hell is going on? Wait, Scarlett, are you sure that was Bowell was Bradley Bowell? Is this the second act of Caily Trainor's prank? Wait what is that thing I should be doing again before Bradley came? I scratched my head a little thinking.

Oh yeah, go to my locker.

Wait, what the hell really happen just now?

Once I open the locker with a confused face of what happened just now, I finally got the answer.

Another red fancy envelope with a letter that says.

Welcome, New Cupid!

You will be paid after the dates and course of each client but as a welcome gift, we attached you some gift cards of body shops!

Your first client; Bradley Bowell.

The dates and Val Inc. information should be only kept between you and all clients.

Oh no. This fires back way too fast. I feel my heart pounding so fast in disbelief. Did I faint? Why wasn't I fainting? Should I faint? The dumbest decision I have made in my entire life existence. I got the taste of the wrong move. Life went "You thought wrong bitch."

Somehow this is the first time where I felt Lunchtime came faster than I was used to. I was really arguing with myself inside my head on either I should skip class. I also practice some excuses for Bradley Bowell when I don't show up and give him my body shop gift card as an apology. Did I do it? Nope. I'm heading in the cafeteria to eat and hoping that Bradley Bowell doesn't exist anymore. He can still change school right at this moment, right? Anything is possible.

"Don't order, I already have bought something for you." A voice behind me made me shriek and perform the self-defense I saw from TikTok. Then I realize it was Bradley which for me, I made the situation worse. He laughs at me hands me a tray filled with foreign snack foods. My attack was no match for him, maybe he was way too athletic type body. I apologize while he drags me to sit with him on the outdoor table where I presume where they always seat with his friends and etc.

As we both sat on the table he's still laughing with tears. He tried to stop his laugh to say something "Oh god, that was the weirdest funny shit move I have seen. I can't-" Then he burst into a laugh again.

My stomach growls, "I know we're discussing the date thingy, but I'm really hungry."

"That's why I'm giving those snacks for you. They're from France. They're my favorite, I want you to taste them and tell me which ones you like."

I examine the snacks check if they're expired or if they are an actual human food just to be sure if he's pranking me or not.

"I'm not poisoning you. Those are legit edible snack." Bowell snatched a bag of something snack from my hands, opens it, and eats one piece in front of me showing it's not a prank. "See? Edible. And hmm hmm it sure is delicious." He munches with his words. I then also took some bites and it brings back some memories in France days. This is actually a flavorful snack munchies. "It's actually is delicious." I agreed with him for the first time. Bradley licked his fingers and wiped in tissue then he drinks his blue drink before talking. "So about the date, it's supposed to be later at 5 pm just give me your address or number but if you want it to keep it private that's fine. Harper was supposed to come and get you"

6 pm. I'm at home, my dad and brother will know somethings going on. Oh shit. I didn't think this through.

"Just let Harper pick me up at the cinema near here at 4:30 pm" I will figure everything out later.

"Okay." Bowell nods

"What we're doing on the date? What you wanna do? Wait why Harper is the one who comes and get me from cinema why, not you?" I ask him.

"Watch my game. I have to be ready for the game. I come with my team and coach, we're using school transportation bus." He answered everything. Right, they do have a match today, February is athletes grind month.

"Oh, today is your match against East High? Any particular reason why you assigned the date on the day of your match?" I ask while munching the snack.

"I do have reason BUT that is confidential."

"I understand. I'll come on my own. Thanks for the Harper's chauffeur offer though. The game starts at?"

"6:30 but be there before the game."

"So, 6?"



"Okay. You can have all that munchies then tell me which one is your favorite after the game."

"Sure....thing." Weirdo.

And just like that, we discussed it just fine. Actually the first time where I thought it was mature of him cause it was nothing really terrible. Far from what I expect.

Bowell then takes a bag from the snacks, "I think you'll like these nuts..."

Yep, he's back.

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