Chapter Fourteen

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-In the French-Italian Restaurant Bathroom-

Bathroom door bangs as Caily comes in fumed,"that's not what we negotiate!"

"Caily, that was Brad's words not mine." Scarlett corrects Caily rolling her eyes.

Caily points at Scarlett, "stay away from him from now on. He's mine so please back off."

"Quitting Val inc. is enough, Bradley isn't an object where I could just go label 'he's yours.'"  

Caily scoffs, "Oh wow, now you have dared to talk back at me like that."

"I'm just stating the fact here. If he asks me as his cupid and didn't ask you although you've been the cupid of the month straight 3 years, there must be a reason to it Caily."

"That's it. I'm gonna strip you off with lies when I get back to that dinner. If I were you, you should run away now before you get all the shame."


"Okay, I'll quit valentine inc, pass Brad cupid dates to you, AND stay away from him."

"Good. It's nice to have this talk with you. Remember the deal."

"I'm driving you home, Justin is gonna stay for a while so he lets me be your chauffeur for tonight."

"Sorry, you can't. I'll just take the cab."

"What, why? I promise not to do anything monkey business. Not if you want to. Do you want to?"

"No. I'm going home alone stay here with Caily. Or take her home instead."

"What's the problem? Did I do something wrong? Was I too sudden with the sharing French snacks with you? What is it?"

"I can't hang out with you anymore I'm sorry. Just please stay away from me."

"What the fuck you're talking about Scar? I just want to take you home, spend some time with you. You're still my cupid, Justin just wants you as cupid in front of our family."

"I'm not your cupid anymore Bradley. I quit."


"It was nice working dates with you even just for a short time. I had fun. Goodnight poopy."

I actually came to the picnic. I know it's weird but you know what, this will be the last date to go through and I'm over it. I have been avoiding any form of contacts from that matter. Seeing him strutting in the hallway with Caily gives me alternative indie music feeling. He probably taken good care by Caily. Why am I still thinking about Caily and Bradley in my head throughout entire drive with Justin? We were so quiet.

As Justin parked his car in this huge bbq party in a wide park I saw Bradley and Caily. Of course what did you expect Scarlett? Before we get out of Justin's car he faced me and sighs.

"Girl, This is our last date. Let's have fun and please put that glob face away. He was begging you to explain what happen last time and I think you should talk to him about that before all this came to chaos and our secret will be open out there. And also, I got you a little gift. I mean it's not little but the you know- just open it"

Justin reach a big shopping bag behind the seat of his car and gives it to me waiting for me to open and see my reaction.

I awed and thank him.. it was the all the outfit I wore last date with him and a small box... a ring. I looked at him "Are you going to ask me to marry you?"

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