Night of the day

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She was asleep, the heavy breathing was a dead giveaway. Her peaceful face was laying on his chest. Safe and sound. it was the middle of the night. up on the surface in any of the alternate universes it would barely had gone over to a new day. the darkness of the night consuming the sky while sparkles of light and hope shined through.

Even in the dead of night, Nightmare was awake. His mind fussing around with to many thoughts to quiet down. he could usually fall asleep sometimes with her in his arms. security and calmness washing over him enough to surprisingly sleep for an hour or two. But apparently not to night. Even after the flood of magic that ran through him left his bone and made him tired after his high. Even if he wanted to, his mind wouldn't let him relax. he had no idea how long he had stayed lied like this. His hand combing slowly through her hair while he tried to focus on her beating heart than his horrid thoughts. sadly it was not helping.

Sighing he carefully moved his mate to rest comfortable in the bed before he left the bed. He walked over to the gigantic window in his room. It doesn't lead anywhere, and did not have any view except the emptiness of his realm. He still stared out into it, his face emotionless. He wanted to cause his brother pain, he wanted to be angry. however, right now he couldn't feel anything. no matter who much he tried, he couldn't find any good reason to do anything at the moment. he feel numb. No longer feeling the burning hatred toward his brother nor the love and compassion he felt looking at his mate. He should have been worried, but sadly worrying did count as a feeling.

He looked over at her one final time before exiting the room. He had to get away until he could feel again and know what he would like to do from now one and out. Dream wouldn't get away this easy and both of the brothers knew that was true. He wandered down the corridors and halls. knowing no one was awake at this time. Except Maybe Error, but he usually had no ideas what that glitched out skeleton was up to most of the time. Nightmare emerged in the garden of his and glanced over the flowers. He had to leave the castle. He wouldn't get the peace of mind he needed in here with everyone around. he looked over at his precious rose bushes. walking over he carefully picked one, holding it up to his face with one of his tentacle.

The sweet flowery sent hit his nose and he knew where he could get the peace he wanted here. He reached the tentacle out. creating a small portal to his room where he laid it down next to his mate. His eyes catching here from one last time before cutting of the portal and making a new one. Quickly going through the portal before he hadn't any energy left. looking around the open aria in front of him. Large birch trees stood proud before an opening. multiple white flowers liters me meadow and sent a soft sweet smell with the wind as it went over them.

Nightmare sat down by one of the threes. Looking up at the shimmering moon. This world had no stars. it was sad, but it only made the Moon shine surprisingly brighter at night for some reason. He wouldn't be disturbed by the sunny day here. there was no day and night circle sending one of the world in eternal night and the other in eternal day. both side had natural adapted to their harsh condition. He liked to come her and think. no one ever came to bother him here. Only skeleton monsters were capable to not be affected by he hash could on this side. And the others that were capable to go through out other worlds and universes probably didn't even bat an eye to this lonesome world.

He closed his eyes and focused on his thought. Wanting to sort through them. There were quiet so many though he never got the time to sort out since last time he was here. last time was before he found out Y/n was somehow alive. The struggle and stress trying to get her out of the 'good guys' grasp, finally getting her back, having her live in the castle, releasing his feelings, her being taking away again, getting her back again, confessing his feelings and then his brother intertwined again. A sting of pain ran through him of the thought she would go for his brother and leave him in the dark. Was is smart to leave her alone to her thoughts as well?

He realized he didn't feel emotionless any more. some emotions were sleeping through him. that was good, some progress was being made. His reason got thought him that killing Dream was not the best idea. Hurting him was good enough. He could feel some of the anger from earlier running quickly through him. Dream had had it to good for too long. He couldn't just walk away from this unharmed.


Alright, chapters up. I will just say I'm slowly getting in to the more stressful week for school. it seems like everything will happen at once. so i have no idea who often I will be capable to upload. I may have to break away from the schedule and jump over some dates. I don't know who much time I will have writing. I'm on my last year so It will be much happening up to summer break ;w;

A light in the darkness |Nightmare x reader|Where stories live. Discover now