Chapter 2 - His name is...

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Chapter 2 - His name is...

It was still a dark night when the boy was rudely torn from his sleep. Someone shone a flashlight in his face.

"Are you all right, boy?" Asked the person with the flashlight.

The boy wanted answers, but his throat was hurting terribly. Also, his chest hurt when he breathed.

"Don't worry, I'm a police officer and I'll get you out of here first. Why the hell would you come out here alone? Don't you know how dangerous it is?" The officer asked, but the young boy was still not able to answer.

Within minutes they had left the forest. The officer carried the little boy in his arms and held him tightly. When they reached the police car, he put the boy in the back seat.

The officer's colleague looked at him questioningly.

"Who is this little guy?" He asked.

"I don't know. He was in the abandoned house. Is there a missing persons report?" Asked the officer, who took another closer look at the young boy.

"Not that I know of. I'll have a look. He doesn't look healthy, the best thing is to get him to the nearest hospital." Said the second officer while reviewing current missing-persons cases.

The little boy fell asleep again and only woke up again when he was in a warm bed in a hospital room. The two police officers sat next to him by the bed and smiled at him.

"Well, do you feel better now, little one?" The officer who had found him in the house asked him. The boy nodded. His throat and chest still hurt.

"Did you run away from home?" The other officer wanted to know. The boy nodded.

A doctor and a nurse entered the room. They examined the boy again thoroughly and explained to the police officer that the boy had a bronchitis. They also found that the boy was too light for his height and very thin and weak.

"By the way, his name is Xiao Zhan. He was here two months ago with his parents. I remember him well, because while he was lying here crying with stomach ache, his parents were watching a video on their phone." Explained the doctor.

The doctor handed the officer the contact details of Zhan's parents and then left the room again. The nurse looked pityingly at Zhan once more and then ran after the doctor.

The second officer also left the room and came back minutes later, with a red face and looking very angry. "Can you believe that? The boy's parents were quietly lying in their beds and sleeping while their son was out there alone. They were not even looking for him." He explained to his colleague.

Xiao Zhan had to laugh. It hurt him, but he couldn't help himself. Because that was exactly what he had already suspected. He knew that his parents wouldn't bother looking for him.

Ten minutes later, Zhan pretended to fall asleep again. He wanted to fall asleep, but the fear of his parents had been too strong. Maybe it will be less bad if they see that I am asleep. And the two cops are still here. Zhan thought.

How much time had passed, Zhan didn't know when his parents stormed into the room in a rage and bluster. Zhan continued to keep his eyes closed convulsively. But it had done him nothing. Because his father pulled him by the collar of his nightgown, from the hospital, on the bed and hit him with his right hand, hard in the face.

"If you're going to run away from home, at least do it properly. So no one can find you, you idiot." His father screamed and struck again before the officer intervened.

The two police officers dragged Zhan's parents outside with them and discussed in front of the room door. Zhan could hear them well, even though they tried to speak quietly.

Zhan touched his aching cheek. Hot tears ran down his cheeks and he knew that this would not be all. There would be more, at the latest when he was back home. But at least for that night he was safe from the anger of his parents.

The next day, it was Zhan's sixth birthday, his parents did not come. The doctor had explained to them that he had to stay in the hospital for a few days because of the severe bronchitis, after that they had left. A couple of the nurses had sung a song to him and brought him a little cake in the late afternoon, after they probably found out that his parents weren't coming.

The two officers also came to visit him and even brought him a little present, a teddy bear in a police uniform. They also brought some change clothes for him, because his parents had not brought anything last night. And they had probably already been informed that they did not even come to visit.

Three days later, Zhan was due to be released from hospital, but when his parents still hadn't come to pick him up that evening either, and they weren't responding to the nurses' calls, they called the police station again. There they received shocking news.

Zhan learned what the news was when the two friendly officers, along with the doctor and another doctor, came to his room. Their faces told Zhan that they did not have good news for him.

Do my parents not want me anymore? Are they giving me away now? Why don't they even have the courage to tell me this themselves? He asked himself, while the four others were still discussing something.

"So Zhan, here's the situation. When your parents were at work, there was a terrible incident. A man went crazy and threatened your parents with a gun while they were doing their work. Your parents wouldn't let him chase them away, so the man shot them both." Explained the doctor.

Although Zhan was only six years old, he understood exactly what the doctor had just told him. His parents are dead! He didn't want them as parents anymore, but he didn't want them to be dead either. He didn't want to cry either, but he did. He tried to stay angry with them, but he could not.

At the thought of not having anyone else now he felt sick. No parents, no other relatives. Now he was really alone. And this feeling of being alone spread through his body. It filled him with emptiness and he felt like he was in a trance.

Everything around him just happened as he watched. His heart felt heavy, his head seemed completely empty. He reacted and acted when he was told, but otherwise he was introverted and silent.

He was silent at the funeral, where only he and a woman were from the welfare. He was silent when it was said that his parents had left him nothing and all their savings had been spent on the funeral. He was silent when it was said that the house did not even belong to his parents, it was only rented. He was also silent when everything he and his parents had ever owned was sold. And he was very quiet when the woman took him from the welfare to a run-down orphanage.

 And he was very quiet when the woman took him from the welfare to a run-down orphanage

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